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Educational Department

Lamp of Learning


Paddle Smart coversPaddle Smart

Welcome to the world of paddlesports.  You have joined (or soon will) the fastest growing part of boating.  According to the National Marine Manufacturers Association, kayaks and canoes accounted for some 54% of new boats sold in 2006 – over 493,000 crafts.  Kayaking, canoeing or rowing are enjoyable opportunities to get close to nature, have a great time, and get some quality exercise in the process.  This seminar is intended for those about to join the sport and those considering purchasing paddling equipment.

The seminar kit includes an attendee workbook for note-taking and reference and “The Complete Sea Kayaker’s Handbook” by Shelly Johnson (msrp $18.95). Included as a bonus is “Introduction to Paddling – canoeing basics for lakes and rivers” by the American Canoe Association.

Topics discussed in the seminar include:

  • terminology
  • equipment—minimum and optional
  • using paddle craft—both kayaks and canoes
  • safety practices—including video clip examples
  • day-triping and touring considerations
  • and, a few statistics

See the trifold brochure (1804KB, PDF) for more information.

Locate a Seminar near you.


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This page last updated Wednesday, March 23, 2011 18:40