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Educational Department

Lamp of Learning


Partner in Command CoverPartner in Command

This seminar provides an introduction to boating for crew members who need basic information and who may or may not have taken a boating course. It is designed to provide essential information one may require to assist a skipper in the safe operation of a recreational boat. Included in the seminar are actions in response to emergencies. This seminar includes a text. A Knot Board will be useful to practice tying knots.

Partner in Command may be taken in a squadron-run session or as a fully interactive online learning experience. Either way, this comprehensive seminar can be completed in 2-4 hours.

See the trifold brochure (3048KB, PDF) for more information.

Locate a Seminar near you or take this seminar on-line at your convenience!


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This page last updated Wednesday, March 23, 2011 18:40