The United States Power Squadron's mission is to provide leadership in recreational boating safety
through education and civic activities while promoting fellowship
for its members. Located in Florence South Carolina, the Swamp Fox Power Squadron offers many carefully planned courses in subjects
like Seamanship, Piloting, Plotting and Position Finding, Celestial
Navigation, Cruise Planning, Engine Maintenance, Marine Electronics,
Sailing, and much more. These courses are taught by experienced
member instructors, and members who complete them are recognized.
Join us on-the-water and off with fellow members who are skilled
in boating. On-the-water activities include cruises, rendezvous,
sail races, navigation contests and even fishing derbies. Activities
ashore include meetings with marine programs, parties, dinner-dances,
picnics and field trips. Be sure to read our latest newsletter, FOXTALES, to learn about squadron updates and other important information.