Table of Contents






  • A publication of the Operations Training Committee


    These Job Descriptions are designed to help a member who is assuming a service assignment with which he or she may not be familiar. They may also provide a guide for all Bridge Officers, the Squadron Nominating Committee when interviewing and/or evaluating a potential nominee and the Personnel Committee in recommendations to department heads. The Manual is the property of the squadron to be used where needed. The Squadron CHOT should keep it up to date and promote its use.

    The descriptions presented here are of a general nature; they may be added to or extended as local requirements, peculiar to a situation, suggest. It is understood that any word denoting gender shall apply equally to either. You may want to add other committee/job descriptions, such as Advertising, Photographic, Contest, Telephone, Mailing, Transportation, Member-at-Large, Auxiliary Liaison Officer, etc.

    The National Operations Training Committee has assembled this manual with the help of many members throughout USPS. It is grateful for the assistance and solicits input as we advance ...



    References: OM = Operations Manual; MB = Model Bylaws; OTP = Operations Training Manual

    Other references would be the manuals published by National for different committees (i.e. Membership, Liaison, Program Planning, etc.)

    Drawing by:
    F. E. (Hutch) Hutchinson
    Copied from The Ensign



    AIDES *






















    This committee acts as a "board of directors" and advises with the Commander on most aspects of Squadron activities.

    This committee usually consists of the bridge officers (Commander, Executive Officer, Educational Officer, Administrative Officer, Secretary, Treasurer) and at least 3 or more members at large. All persons on this committee must be elected by the membership. The Squadron Bylaws should define powers and who should be on this committee.

    Some of the functions of this committee are, but not limited to:

      1. General charge of policy;
      2. Management and finances of the Squadron;
      3. Custody of all property of the Squadron;
      4. First approval of all bills;
      5. Recommends dues of the membership;
      6. Approval of invitation to membership;
      7. Approve nominations as Associate and Honorary memberships and transfers;
      8. Approve the appointments of the Commander;
      9. Approve any bylaw changes before being presented to the membership;
      10. Be aware of and approve the time and place of education courses;
      11. Fill any vacancy in an elective office in the Squadron until a successor has been duly elected;
      12. Investigate any complaint that may require disciplinary action (Article XIII, USPS bylaws);

    These powers should be outlined in the Squadron Bylaws in conformity with USPS Bylaws.

    OM - 11.62

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    In his role as the principal officer of the squadron, the Commander assumes the ultimate responsibility for leadership and management of the squadron as outlined in the Bylaws of the Squadron and USPS.

    The Commander is a member of the National Governing Board. Among his duties, but not limited to, are;

      1. To read and be familiar with the Operations Manual of USPS;
      2. To have completed the Operations Training Program;
      3. To preside at all regular and executive committee meetings of the squadron;
      4. To appoint, with the approval of the Executive Committee, a Chaplain, Flag Lieutenant, Aides, and a Chairman for all department committees;
      5. To inform all squadron officers and committee chairmen of their duties and review with committee chairmen the activities that will take place in their committees;
      6. To serve as an ex-officio member of all squadron committees except as may be provided in the Squadron's Bylaws (usually Nominating, Rules, and Audit Committees);
      7. To attend, as a bridge officer, all district council meetings and conferences and to express the desires of the squadron at these meetings;
      8. To attend the Governing Board Meetings whenever possible; otherwise, arrange for a proxy to vote for the squadron;
      9. To insure that the squadron does not become officially and improperly involved in legislative matters whether local, state or national;
      10. To participate in all squadron functions;
      11. To prepare all reports and answer promptly all correspondence from district and national officers;
      12. To conduct all squadron ceremonies in an informed and dignified manner and to insure that squadron members wear the uniform and insignia correctly;
      13. To prepare and submit recommendations for Merit Mark Awards to the Area Monitor in a timely manner;
      14. To report to the District Executive Officer;
      15. To report to The Ensign, "Last Horizon', a member's demise after obtaining Permission from the deceased's family; and
      16. To pass on to his successor all files concerning squadron business transacted during his term of office.

    OM - 11.01 - .12
    MB - 6.01

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    The Squadron Chaplain shall be the spiritual advisor to the Squadron Membership.

    He shall:

    1. Pronounce invocations and benedictions at squadron meetings, functions and, at the request of the Commander, other appropriate occasions in an ecumenical manner;
    2. Be able to advise and counsel all squadron officers who may wish suggestions about religious ceremonies, prayers and other activities;
    3. Insure that appropriate squadron protocol is achieved pertaining to the squadron's ill or deceased members and their families.
    4. Assist visiting USPS member dignitaries, or others, who may need help in locating religious services; and
    5. Provide aid and comfort to any member desiring this service.

    OM - 11.06

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    The Flag Lieutenant is the selected right hand and personal aide to the Commander and shall:

    1. Be fully aware of all duties and scheduled functions that the commander may be required to attend;
    2. Work with the Liaison Officer to insure that all honored guests are properly welcomed and escorted;
    3. Travel with or for the Commander, if necessary, on squadron business; and
    4. Communicate with the Commander, not waiting for the Commander to call him.

    OM - 11.06

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    Aides are a select, knowledgeable group of helpers to assist the Commander in any specified assignment and shall:

      1. Arrange meetings and apprentice programs where applicable;
      2. Entertain distinguished guests and visitors;
      3. Conduct surveys and correct information; and
      4. Communicate with the Flag Lieutenant or the Commander for any specified assignment during a squadron function.

    OM - 11.06

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    Accreditation is the direct responsibility of the Commander. Gathering and evaluating in depth information about each squadron member to insure that just recognition is a task begging for help. The chairman should read and be familiar with Chapter 16 of the Operations Manual.

    If the Executive Officer wishes to progress to become Commander, the task of preparing Merit Mark recommendations will expose him to all of the member's talents and accomplishments. This information is invaluable in selecting and assigning members at a later date. An additional helpful member could be a Past Commander.

    Also, the Nominating Committee should utilize the Merit Mark Committee's reports in its selection process.

    OM - 11.09; 16.01-.08; 16.14

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    As an elected bridge officer, the Executive Officer is . responsible for the functions described as "external affairs", He should be well acquainted with the Operations Manual.

    The Executive Officer may be assigned other duties by the Commander but primarily supervises the following committees:

    Boat Show
    Cooperative Charting
    Public Relations
    Radio Technical

    The Executive Officer is a member, ex-officio, of all committees of the Executive Department and is responsible for seeing that they function properly in accordance with the policy and authority of USPS.

    The Executive Officer answers to the membership, Executive Committee and the Commander. In the absence or incapacity of the Commander, the Executive Officer temporarily assumes the duties of the Commander.

    As a bridge officer, the Executive Officer is encouraged to attend all District Council meetings and expected to attend all Conference meetings and any other the Commander may assign. It is also helpful to attend National meetings when possible.

    He shall, at the end of his term, turn over to his successor all reports, records and communications and documents pertaining to the squadron.

    OM - 11.16, 13.02-09
    MS - 6.02

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    The Committee distributes prepared material to present USPS's civic service properly and adequately to the general public at boat shows, fairs and other functions. Some of the duties of the Committee are as follows:

      1. Work closely with the Public Relations Officer;
      2. Supervise the design, structure and display of the squadron booth;
      3. Responsibility for squadron exhibits and all attendant material;
      4. Scheduling personnel to staff the booth or, if an exhibit by more than one squadron, assist as necessary to schedule personnel for it; and
      5. Recommend that personnel manning the booth or exhibit wear a USPS blazer, uniform or other suitable attire.

    There is to be no discussion with the Boating Course prospects of courses, membership or privileges restricted to USPS members.

    The Boat Show Committee is responsible for the storage and maintenance of the booth and/or exhibit material. A record should be maintained of all items, including the location and condition. A complete record of past and present performances should be available and passed on to successors.

    OM - 13.02-.03

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    The Cooperative Charting Chairman is responsible for promoting the activities of charting in the boating area of the squadron. He should initiate cruises or land parties to search out and report any discrepancies or errors found to exist on the charts of the National Ocean Survey (NOS) or the Coast and Geodetic Survey (C&GS). Inland lakes and rivers are referenced to the U. S. Corps of Engineers. Some waters may be controlled by local agencies and should be so referenced.

    A seminar should be held at least once a year in the squadron, preferably early in the season.

    Charting activities consist of making reports of necessary chart corrections in whatever area they are found. Immediate problems such as buoys off station, failed lighted buoys, etc., should be reported promptly to the nearest Coast Guard facility with a copy to NOAA.

    It is the duty of the Cooperative Charting Chairmen to check reports from the members.

    He should log them in to be assured of proper credits, then send them to the District

    Chairman for logging and forwarding to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

    All previous records of the CoChCom must be forwarded to his successor.

    OM - 13.04

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    This committee acts as liaison with public agencies and departments excepting those which are the responsibilities of other committees. The duties of this committee are restricted to matters of local concern. The chairman develops and maintains good relationships with private boat clubs, U. S. Navy, Coast Guard and its Auxiliary, Corps of Engineers, Division of Wildlife, Harbor Patrol and other services or agencies related or concerned with water based recreational activities. The chairman recommends to the Commander the name(s) of possible invitee(s) to any squadron affairs. He then serves as host to invited guests as directed by the Commander.

    The Liaison Committee should stay in contact with the PRO.

    The Liaison Committee is responsible for presentation and retirement of the colors at formal squadron functions. No Squadron Liaison Committee may contact any office which is the headquarters of a national organization or federal agency without obtaining authorization through the National Committee whose responsibility they are.

    Reports to the District Liaison Committee may be requested.

    OM - 13.05

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    The Legislative Committee reviews legislative matters, enacted or proposed, affecting boating in the squadron area in order to keep the commander and membership informed. The Squadron Legislative Officer works with the District Legislative Officer to keep the District and National Committees aware of legislation affecting boating and USPS. While legislation affecting boating may be of interest to USPS or to many members of USPS, taking issue on matters as an organization or as a member USPS is not in our best interest. Any member may appear as a private citizen at a hearing at which he desires to testify or to be heard, provided that he is NOT representing USPS or any of its units. Correspondence is also permitted as a private citizen.

    Whenever there is any doubt concerning the propriety of action on any legislative matter, the District Legislative Officer MUST be consulted, then National if necessary.

    OM - 13.06

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    The Public Relations Officer (PRO) and his committee's duties may be divided into three parts:

    1. A year round PR program consistent with standards of privacy and public relations exhibited by other bonafide private membership organizations in the community;
    2. The publication of dates, locations and other information pertaining to one of our civic services;
    3. Help develop special promotion plans in connection with major events in the squadron; and
    4. Work with the Chairman of Boating to publicize the time and location of the Boating Course;

    This committee handles promotions, media news releases, posters, flyers, paid ads, public events and anything that will enhance the public image and tell the story of USPS and local squadron service.

    All activities relating to public relations should be performed by the PRO in accordance with programs and guidelines offered by National and District Committees. He should make proper use of all materials made available by the National PR Committee and, prior to releasing information to the public, clear all material with the Commander or Executive Committee as prescribed by Article VI, Section 8, USPS Bylaws. He should also work with the Liaison Committee.

    The Squadron PRO serves as a member of the District Public Relations Committee.

    OM - 13.07

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    The duties of the Squadron Radio Technical Committee include, but are not limited to:

      1. Facilitating action on radio and electronic matters within the squadron.
      2. Disseminating USPS policy on all matters relative to operation of marine electronics equipment;
      3. Advising members of changes in Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Rules and Regulations, international treaties and requirements of other regulatory bodies affecting telecommunications, and
      4. Working closely with the Education Department.

    The RT/O should consult with interested members relative to individual problems or opinions and be prepared to discuss same with the D/RT/O or USPS R/T Committee. He should promote safety afloat by encouraging the members of his squadron to understand the FCC Rules and Regulations and to have knowledge of approved operating procedures for radio equipment of all kinds. He should inspire observation of good manners and customs in obtaining efficient utilization of the radio channels allocated to the marine services.

    The Radio Technical Officer (RT/0) is, ex officio, a member of the District Radio Technical Committee.

    OM - 13.08

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    The Safety Officer is selected on the basis of his interest in marine or industrial safety and carries on an informative program during the year in class work and during the boating season. He will be expected to communicate with other safety organizations in his vicinity and serve as a member of the District Safety Committee.

    The Safety Committee shall cooperate with the Public Relations Committee to prepare ideas and suggestions to bring safety considerations to the attention of the public.

    His duties shall include:

    1. Working closely with the educational staff to relate the teaching of certain subjects in their application to the promotion of safe boating;
    2. Being responsible for the distribution of bulletins, posters, safety literature, etc. received from National and District Safety Committees;
    3. Originating such safety propaganda as will be applicable to the squadron's area;
    4. Maintaining an adequate safety patrol at squadron rendezvous;
    5. Initiating such safety events as will educate and interest the squadron membership;
    6. Acting as general chairman of annual National Safe Boating Week activities; and
    7. Making the public aware of safe boating practices all year, thereby performing a civic service.


    Return to Table of Contents


    The SEO is elected annually by the members of the squadron upon nomination by the Squadron Nominating Committee and approval by the District Educational Officer acting for the National Educational Officer. He is a member of the District Educational Department, the Squadron Bridge and executive Committee. The SEO manages all of the education activities of the squadron including the Public Boating Course and the entire membership educational curriculum. He shall encourage the membership to avail themselves of all the courses offered by the squadron. His duties shall include, but are not limited to:

    1. Regular reporting to the Executive Committee and the membership on educational activities of the squadron;
    2. Making recommendations to the Commander concerning appointments for an assistant SEO and Chairman of Local Boards, Training Aids and Supplemental Programs;
    3. Attending, as a bridge officer, district council meetings and conferences;
    4. Making certain that all participants in the educational activities of the squadron are properly instructed and are qualified to handle their duties;
    5. Serving, as a member of the District Educational Department, as liaison for all information from and to National and District;
    6. Cooperating closely with the squadron Public Relations Officer and Squadron Newsletter Committee Chairman in promoting educational activities;
    7. Maintaining records needed to supply the Commander with Merit Mark recommendations for all those participating in the squadron educational activities;
    8. Holding Educational Department organization and planning meetings;
    9. Insure that proper USPS examination procedures are followed;
    10. Insuring that all reports and forms are filed correctly and in a timely manner, specifically statistical information to National;
    11. Keeping the Asst. SEO abreast of all matters;
    12. Passing on to his successor all of his pertinent records and course outline upon completion of his term of office.

    OM - 12.02, 12.31

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    There may be an Assistant Educational Officer (Asst. SEO) nominated and elected in the same manner as the SEO. The Asst. SEO is neither a member of the Squadron Bridge nor the Executive Committee. He assists the SEO as directed. In the absence or incapacity of the SEO he acts in his stead, including voting at any meeting.

    His duties may include, but are not limited to:

      1. Maintain library
      1. Films
      2. Videos
      1. Compiling information for educational contests, awards, etc.

    OM - 12.03, 12.32

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    The Local Boards for Boating, Advanced Grades, and Elective Courses are responsible for the squadron instruction and examinations in their respective fields. The Chairman and members are appointed by the Commander upon recommendation and advice of the SEO. Each serves for one year or until a successor has been appointed and qualified. No such person shall continue to serve as Chairman or member whose qualifications are unacceptable to the District Educational Officer or the National Educational Officer. These chairpersons need the approval of the DEO acting in the stead of the NEO. Local Boards should always be alert to the need for improvements or changes in course material and communicate such information to District and National Educational Departments. Duties of the Chairman include:

    1. To work closely with the SEO in recruiting and training all Educational Department personnel;
    2. Assist the SEO in establishing educational objectives and setting schedules, fees and facility requirements;
    3. With the assistance of the class chairman, order course materials and examinations and handles the return of any not used. (Only the Commander, SEO, Assistant SEO and CHLB may order these materials);
    4. Maintain close liaison with the Class Chairman about all administrative details of operating the class successfully; and
    5. Maintain complete and accurate records for all classes conducted in their area and provide the SEO with copies of all reports, statistics and other records.

    OM - 12.04; 12.33

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    Duties are as follows, but not limited to:

    1. Assists the CHLB in the development of class schedules, facility requirements and schedule of fees;
    2. With the assistance of the Chairman of Teaching Aids and the Instructors, develops effective training aids for all lectures;
    3. Responsible for the collection and forwarding with detailed records of all money from course fees and sale of supplies;
    4. Advise the CHLB and SEO of class problems and suggestions for improvement of course material and procedures;
    5. Responsible for seeing classes are conducted in an orderly manner, the review of assigned homework, and the preparation of the class for examination.

    OM - 12.12; 12.14

    Return to Table of Contents


    This Chairman and his committee members are appointed by the Commander upon recommendation by the SEO. The Chairman of Teaching Aids Committee is a member of the Squadron Educational Department and the District Teaching Aids Committee. His duties include:

    1. Responsibility for constructing and maintaining teaching aids for the various courses offered by the squadron;
    2. Familiarizing all instructors with the teaching aids currently available to them and
    3. Arranging to exhibit those teaching aids deemed proper for this purpose at District and National meetings.

    OM - 12.06

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    This committee is responsible for the promotion and teaching of Supplemental Programs which currently include:

    Principles of Water Skiing Safety Radar
    Elements of Boat Design and Construction Marlinespike
    Oceanography USPS Glossary
    Introduction to Navigational Astronomy Boat Insurance
    Calculators for Navigation Predicted Log Contest
    Preparation for a Coast Guard License Hand Tools
    Related CG Material; "Gonder's Rules of the Road" Compass Adjusting
    Related CG Material; "CG License, 6 Pac to Master" Introduction to Sailing
    Sight Reduction Methods Skipper Saver
    Loran-C Amateur Radio

    The Skipper Saver Program may be made available to yacht clubs and similar organizations concerned with boating education and safety. Some restrictions concerning presentation apply.

    OM - 12.07 - 12.13

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    The Educational Property Committee is responsible for the dispensing and storing of educational materials, teaching aids and property such as overhead projectors, screens, sextants, etc.

    OM - 12.07

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    As an elected bridge officer, the Administrative Officer (AO) is responsible for the functions described as "internal affairs". He should be well acquainted with the Operations Manual. The committees under the Administrative Officer include:

      Membership Involvement
      Boating Activities
      Meetings and Programs
      Operations Training
      Leadership Development

    The Administrative Officer is a member, ex-officio, of all committees of the Administrative Department and is responsible for seeing that they function properly and in agreement with policy and authority of USPS.

    The Administrative Officer may be assigned additional duties by the Commander to enhance his training for eventual progression to Executive Officer and Squadron Commander. In the absence or incapacity of the Executive Officer and the Commander, he would temporarily assume their duties.

    As a bridge officer, the Administrative Officer is encouraged to attend all district council meetings and is expected to attend all conferences and any other the Commander may assign. It is helpful to attend National Meetings when possible.

    At the end of his term, he shall turn over to his successor all reports, records, communications and documents pertaining to the squadron.

    OM - 11.19; 13.10
    OT - Squadron
    MB - Section 6.04

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    The Squadron Membership Committee is concerned with the acquisition of new members.




    The chairman and committee members have the responsibility of

    1. Interviewing all candidates for membership.
    2. Preparing and completing all forms required for membership.
    3. Notifying all candidates being accepted for membership, after obtaining approval of the Executive Committee.

    The Membership Chairman should work in close harmony with the squadron treasurer and secretary in processing dues and fees to make sure the new members are added to the rolls and mailing list without delay.

    The chairman must keep records and make required reports to the District and National Membership Committees. The chairman should retain a current copy of the Membership Manual and be very familiar with all the types of membership.



    Regular member
    Unattached member


    Adult family member
    Junior family member


    "Statuses" of active membership:

    Sustaining member
    Governing Board member emeritus

    Squadron by-laws may provide for:

    Associate member

    Each squadron member should be considered an active member of the Membership Committee.

    Membership Manual

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    The chairman and committee members shall have the primary responsibility of leading the squadron membership in developing and implementing ways of involving all squadron members, new and old of all ages, in squadron activities.

    The chairman should:

    1. Work closely with the Membership, Boating Activities, Educational Department, Meetings and Programs Committees, Personnel Officer and Squadron Bridge Officers.
    2. Be generally familiar with the squadron members and should inquire as to the make-up of member's families, including children, their desires and expectations for participation.
    3. Have a committee of sufficient size to keep in periodic contact with any and all members who are new or have not been active in squadron affairs.
    4. Make arrangements with the Commander, through the Administrative Officer, for the indoctrination of new members through the Orientation Program.
    5. Provide a communications link between the new member or older inactive member and the squadron through whatever means deemed appropriate, including but not limited to:
        1. Personal visits
        2. Postcards
        3. Telephone
        4. Buddy system
        5. Special meeting for new and inactive members of all ages
    1. Attend district council meetings and conferences to exchange information with other squadrons.
    2. Be a member of the District Member Involvement Committee.

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    The Boating Activities Chairman and his committee, working under the Administrative Department, should plan day, weekend and longer squadron cruises. Plans should include destinations accessible by boat or auto when possible. Dates should be selected that do not conflict with District or National functions. Publicity through the squadron newsletter should be timely and contain all information regarding starting point, cruise route, dockage and lodging facilities where applicable, fuel availability, meal arrangements, programs and phone number of whomever is in charge if there are any questions. With the approval of the Commander, invitations to district officers and other squadrons may be sent out. Activities should be planned in sufficient time to be sent to the Ensign for publication.

    Many subcommittees should be set up to make cruises successful. These may include:

    Dockmaster: Be on hand to make arrangements for dockage and help tie up Boats. (Should monitor a VHF radio watch to direct skippers Into the harbor).

    To coordinate a cookout, catered affair, restaurant or pass a dish.

    Program Committee: To provide games, entertainment, predicted log contests, fishing contests, rafting and sail races to be sure all age ranges present have suitable activities.
    Crew and Boat Registration: To check for boat owners who wish to offer accommodation to members who would like same.
    Fleet Captain: To set a true course and keep everyone together and insure Them a good time.
    Cooperative Charting: To look for corrections while cruising.

    The chairman should work closely with Port Captains along the route and at the destination of a cruise.

    OM - 13.12

    Return to Table of Contents


    The primary objective of Port Captains is to serve fellow members of USPS and to be helpful and friendly to all who seek assistance. Some information the Port Captain should have available, but not limited to, is:

    1. Familiarity with the water in the area and warn of hazards to navigation;
    2. Location and phone numbers of marinas and mechanics;
    3. Knowledge and phone numbers of local doctors and dentists who would be willing to treat a transient when necessary; the transient has to make the decision of who he sees,
    4. How to reach an ambulance or rescue squad;
    5. Know the time and place of local squadron meeting;
    6. Location of quality restaurants and motels in the area and also where to obtain provisions;
    7. Location of nearby U. S - Coast Guard Station and Coast Guard Auxiliary;
    8. How to reach the local Squadron Commander; and
    9. Provide time and places of religious services.

    The objective is to provide information, reliable advice and comradeship. We aim to make
    our fellow boater a friend.

    OM - 6.08, Para. 2
    13.12, Para. 2

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    This Chairman and his committee are responsible for arranging meeting places, times, speakers and/or interesting programs for each squadron meeting (see Program Planning Workbook). Subcommittees may include:

    Ticket sales (if a dinner or special event meeting)
    Reception - guest name tags

    Change of Watch
    Founder's Day
    Christmas Parties
    Special Programs


    Resources include local film libraries, speaker bureaus, service organizations, travel agencies, government agencies, local historians and fellow USPS members who may share travel and other experiences. Consider field trips and tours to manufacturing plants, lighthouses, planetariums, marine museums, boatyards and the like. Also consider a separate program for young family members and children/grandchildren of members more suitable to their ages and interests.

    Well planned, interesting programs may for many members be the main justification to attend meetings and this could be one of the main motivations for retention.




    OM - 13.13

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    This committee may be used to supplement the efforts of the Meetings and Program Committee in arranging for and providing entertainment for the membership at dinners, Change of Watch programs and larger-than-routine meetings. Since such affairs require much attention to detail, the entertainment portion can be delegated to this committee. Details of making arrangements for an orchestra or music, booking of entertainment, direction for a show and providing movies and/or speakers are typical assignments given to the Entertainment Committee. The Program Planning Workbook could be helpful.


    OM - 13.14

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    The Chairman or Presenter and his committee should have in-depth experience within USPS (Squadron, District and National). He is to educate members and prospective committee chairman with respect to all operating aspects of the Squadron,

    District and National and should:

      1. Present the 12-hour minimum OT Program at least once a year;
      2. Obtain OTP material for presenting the program;
      3. Process proper forms to obtain Operations Training Certificates of Completion; and
      4. Maintain current copies of the Operations Manual, Operations Training Manual, Guide to Presenters and all pertinent resources.

    He will usually find it desirable to solicit help from past commanders, bridge officers and the D/OT Chairman in presenting the Program, taking into account their experience.

    OM - 13.15

    Return to Table of Contents


    The chairman or presenter should have experience as a leader within USPS or any other organization or be qualified by having taken such a program in industry.

    It is essential that the squadron leadership development presenter (LDP) take the LDP from a qualified presenter from district or national. It is also recommended that the operations training program be completed before taking the LDP.

    The LDP present workable tools for a practical approach to leadership, be it a bridge position, committee chairman or someone interested in becoming one of the aforementioned.

    Duties include:

      1. Order LDP manuals for each prospective student;
      2. Forward the reading portion in advance of the class if possible;
      3. Hold a classroom session of approximately 3 hours duration;
      4. Obtain certificates of completion by completing form OT-3 and forwarding one copy to headquarters and a second one to the district operations training chairman.

    OM - 13.15

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    As a bridge officer, the Secretary is encouraged to attend District Council meetings and is

    expected to attend all conferences and to read and be familiar with Section 1 1.20 through 11.36 of the Operations Manual. He shall:

    1. Keep the official squadron log of attendance and minutes of general, executive and special meetings;
    2. Maintain an up-to-date mailing list for meeting notices and squadron communications;
    3. Have custody of the official copy of the Squadron Bylaws and keep it up to date.
    4. Keep up to date Standard Operations procedures (SOP) and have them revised periodically for deletion or addition to Bylaws;
    5. Maintain a file of all documents, records and communications of the squadron;
    6. Handle such official correspondence as the Commander designates;
    7. Report to the National Secretary on forms provided by headquarters, the names and addresses of the newly elected squadron officers;
    8. Cooperate with the Squadron Treasurer in processing information and forms relating to new members, transferring members and reinstatements; and
    9. Send the list of delegates and alternates for council meetings and conferences to the District Secretary at the appropriate time.

    An Assistant Secretary may be elected or an assistant to the Secretary may be appointed to work with the Secretary as required. This person should be capable of assuming the office of Secretary when required.

    Other committees that may be found under the Secretary's Department can be

    (1) Historian, (2) Roster, (3) Telephone, (4) Squadron Newsletter and (5) The Ensign Correspondent.

    OM - 11.20 -.35; 13.16

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    Appointed by the Commander and working in the Secretary's Department, this person should be willing to serve for more than a year in order to become a link between Changes of Watch.



    The Historian serves as custodian of records including:

      1. Minutes of Organization Meetings
      2. The Squadron Charter;
      3. List of Charter and Honorary Members;
      4. Records of Incorporation;
      5. Bylaws including amendments;
      6. Important correspondence;
      7. Minutes of meetings;
      8. Publicity clippings and photographs;
      9. Biographies and photos of present and past officers; and
      10. Special awards given or received.

    He will advise the Commander of significant anniversaries and solicit help from all members in collecting information and photographs pertaining to all squadron activities that may be retained as part of the squadron history.

    OM - 13.16a

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    This Chairman and his committee produce and edit the squadron newsletter to keep the membership fully informed of coming events, announcements, review of recent events, etc. Among those serving on the committee may be a photographer, a publisher or printer, an advertising manager and reporters. The Squadron Newsletter is the main vehicle of communication with the membership. Although the publication may vary from a one-page mimeograph monthly newsletter to an elaborate magazine, the important consideration is quality in communicating all essential information accurately.

    Duties of the Chairman and his committee are to:

    1. Determine the contents and plan each issue,
    2. Request material from officers, committee chairman and other members of the squadron;
    3. Proofread the copy working in as many pictures the photographers may furnish you; and
    4. Distribute finished issues to the membership.

    OM - 13.16b

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    This person should be familiar with the operation of a camera or cameras, work with the Editor and attend all squadron functions. He should furnish photographs to the PRO chairman, Editor, Historian, Ensign Correspondent and display them whenever possible.

    Some events to be covered are, but not limited to:

      1. Change of Watch
      2. Special awards
      3. Special activities
      4. Special guests
      5. Special presentations

    The photographer should keep in mind that one picture is worth more than a thousand words and that everyone likes to be in pictures.

    Return to Table of Contents


    This person will act as a reporter of squadron news that will be of national interest and should report on such items, but not limited to:

      1. Cruises and rendezvous;
      2. Boat shows;
      3. Special events; and
      4. Squadron meetings.


    He will forward articles and photographs, if available, to The Ensign through the District Ensign Correspondent.

    He will serve in assisting the promotion of advertising in the ENSIGN.

    OM - 13.16c

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    As a bridge officer, the Treasurer is encouraged to attend district council meetings and is expected to attend all conferences and to read and be familiar with Section 11.37 through 11.61 of the Operations Manual. He is responsible for accurate financial reports records for policy guidance for the solvent operation of activities of the squadron. He shall:




    1. Collect and process all dues from members; transmit proper funds to District and National;
    2. Collect and be responsible for all monies payable to the squadron;
    3. Promptly pay all squadron bills which have been approved for payment by proper authority;
    4. Promptly deposit squadron funds in a bank approved by proper squadron authority;
    5. Keep accurate records of all receipts and expenditures;
    6. Advise the Commander when expenditures are not in conformity with the squadron budget;
    7. Give a brief financial report at each squadron meeting and provide a complete financial report at the annual meeting;
    8. See that the squadron does comply with all sales tax requirements . where applicable;
    9. Prepare Internal Revenue Service Tax Form 990 when required;
    10. Maintain an up-to-date file of paid-up members and collaborate with the Secretary in the maintenance of an accurate mailing list.

    An Assistant Treasurer may be elected or an assistant to the Treasurer may be appointed to work with the Treasurer as required. This person should be capable of assuming the office of Treasurer when required.

    Other committees that may be found under the Treasurer's Department can be (1) Budget and (2) Property Officer.

    OM - 11.37 -.61

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    Members of this committee, usually five in number, are elected annually. Although this committee is the guardian of adherence to the USPS Bylaws and USPS policy matters, it does not have the authority to finalize or amend any action pertaining to them. This committee should be acquainted with the Model Bylaws and prepare recommendations where necessary to keep the squadron Bylaws consistent with the Bylaws of USPS. The Rules Committee should seek counsel of the Law Officer.

    All decisions or actions required to amend Squadron Bylaws must be channeled through the National Committee on Rules in accordance with Section 9.07 of the Operations Manual.

    Duties of this committee include:

    1. Keeping Squadron Bylaws up to date;
    2. Advising the Commander and Executive Committee on questions of interpretation of the Bylaws of Squadron, District and National USPS;
    3. Insuring that the officers and Executive Committee do not inadvertently take actions which are not in accordance with Squadron Bylaws;
    4. Maintaining a master copy of the bylaws of Squadron, District and National;
    5. Assisting the Commander in resolving disciplinary matters involving individuals in the Squadron.


    OM - 13.21
    MB - 6.12

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    The Finance Committee working with the Treasurer should develop a breakdown of anticipated departmental income and expenses for the fiscal year. A review of past budgets and the success or failure of having operated within those budgets is required in planning future needs.

    After a preliminary budget is developed, each department head should input from his committee chairman to determine needs of the department as a whole.

    The Squadron Executive Committee subsequently will review and approve the needs expressed within the departments as well as recommendations of the Finance Committee before presentation of a budget to the membership for approval.

    Members with an accounting background are particularly desirable for service on the Finance Committee.

    OM - 13.23

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    The Housing Committee should be well versed in USPS Bylaws relative to where various squadron meetings and activities shall be held, what purchase or leasing agreements may be made and what the overall needs are to meet its goals. Close liaison with Education, Membership, Budget and other relevant committees is recommended.








    OM - 13.24

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    A good foundation in corporate and government law will enhance the efforts of the Squadron Law Officer. Initial incorporation papers, purchase contracts and leases, as well as squadron bylaws are all processed without undue difficulty when the counsel of a good law officer is obtained. He should be a member of the Bar in the state wherein the squadron is located.

    The Law Officer should also be available to assist the Rules Committee and the Legislative Committee when his counsel may be desired and should consult with the District and National Law Officer on any legal matters affecting the local squadron.

    OM - 13.25

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    Starting with the initial interview, it is essential that the squadron gathers and maintains current personnel records. In those cases where squadrons are of such small size that combining committee responsibilities is a necessity, the Membership Committee Chairman might assign this function to a committee member. The Squadron Secretary's records are a foundation for this activity. Member achievements should be added to the files as they occur. This committee should:

      1. Maintain an inventory of the skills of each squadron member;
      2. Survey the squadron for position preferences;
      3. Furnish recommendations of qualified member's choices to the Nominating Committee, Commander Elect and Bridge Officers Elect; and
      4. Be aware of and use the Squadron Job Descriptions Manual.

    Well kept personnel files are of utmost importance if the Nominating Committee and other committees are to select the best possible candidates for squadron office vacancies. The Merit Mark Committee should rely on this data base, so that proper recognition is equally administered.


    OM - 13.26

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    This person brings to each squadron meeting a supply of insignia, burgees, ensigns and uniform accessories (belts, clips, etc.) that may be sold to members. He will also have catalogs available for ordering uniforms from USPS approved sources. It is incumbent upon him to maintain an up-to-date knowledge of correct uniforms and insignia to be of help to members desiring those items. He shall keep up to date on what is available from National's Ship's Store. All monies collected should be forwarded to the Treasurer without delay.

    OM - 13.27
    MB - 6.08

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    This person is responsible for maintaining an inventory of squadron properties such as films, projectors, teaching aids, flags, printing equipment, awards and other equipment owned or in the custody of the squadron. He should also know who has a particular item and therefore that person is responsible for it. He should make an annual report of the inventory so that adequate insurance coverage of these items is maintained.

    OM - 13.28
    MB - 6.08

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    This person is appointed by the Commander and should have attended many conferences. His duties are twofold:

    1. Assist the Commander in encouraging members to attend district conferences by making announcements at meetings selling the value of the conferences as informative and entertaining affairs, providing promotional copy on district conferences to the squadron newsletter editor well in advance of scheduled conferences and working with the Transportation Chairman in arranging group transportation to a district conference if desired.
    2. Coordinate with the District Conference Chairman and the District Commander the planning and operation of a district conference when the squadron acts as host squadron. Direct the activities of various committee chairman involved in putting on the conference. Be sure that financial information regarding a completed conference is forwarded to the District Audit Committee without delay.

    OM - 10.58b

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    The Awards Chairman is appointed by the Commander. He accesses information regarding traditional squadron awards and evaluates the need for additional awards. He collects the necessary information to determine candidates to be considered for awards. After soliciting input from the Squadron Executive Committee, he develops recommended guidelines to be followed in selecting recipients for squadron awards. This Chairman maintains records of those members who receive awards.

    An added responsibility may be to coordinate ordering flags and plaques at the time of Change of Watch.

    OM - Index -- Awards and Competitions

    Return to Table of Contents


    To accept memorial contributions, GIFts and grants from the Squadron, members and friends of USPS.

    1. Read and be familiar with the Educational Fund presently located on the last page of the Operations Manual;
    2. Coordinate and carry out the program as suggested by the District Representative;
    3. Keep the membership informed on the operation of the fund; and
    4. Encourage GIFts and memorials to the fund.

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