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National Law

The National Law Committee (LawCom) is a standing commitee of, and reports directly to, the Governing Board. LawCom provides legal advice and services to the Governing Board, Operating Committee, National Departments and National Committees. LawCom currently has an authorized staff of nine members, including the National Law Officer who serves as chairman.

The National Law Officer serves as legal counsel to the Governing Board as well as to USPS. Additionally, various USPS policies and procedures require his oversight and review of various legal matters affecting the squadrons and districts.

The LawCom website has information on many topics. USPS members are encouraged to browse through our links, being sure to check out the page on Squadron and District Law Officer Support and the Legal Checklist pages.

LawCom and its members do not render advice relating to specific legal issues. Information contained in these pages is for general information only. Due to the rapidly changing nature of the law, local counsel should always be consulted on specific matters prior to taking action.

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