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Apprentices & Sea Scouts Renewals



Each apprentice was sent their renewal notice by HQ in the amount for national dues only, $12.00.
If a squadron or district has a fee HQ does not collect it, it must be collected by the local unit.

Follow up - Re Non-Renewal

Non HQAB, tradition billing system using treasurer's "dues transmittal report"
NOTE, apprentices Do Not show on this report. There simply is not room. It's a DOS program
and difficult to reformat.

HOWEVER, each treasurer was sent an addendum AKA list of apprentices
in the squadron. This separate list would then be used for follow up regards renewal. So the
squadron does or should have this information to use along with the regular dues transmittal report.
This will allow the squadron to follow up with each apprentice in the squadron.

HQAB squadrons have a web based accessible report and ALL members are listed including apprentices.
This is a great renewal follow up tool and is updated daily.

I talked with a squadron member at a boat smart class last night and reported they had received the "second notice" for dues.


Roberta Dougherty, AP

United States Power Squadrons (USPS)
Chairman National Membership Committee


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