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National Membership
Committee Chairs &
HQ Support Staff

Sea Vester Mascot



The following is a list of the National Membership Committee Chairs. This information is provided to the membership to help in contacting your National Membership Committee for help, support, or providing ideas you'd like the committee to consider in GROWING USPS. 


Addresses and other contact information can be gained through the National Directory or by contacting Headquarters @ 888-FOR-USPS, 888-367-8777.

Chair - R/C James Pahl-Washa, JN-IN


Stf/C Bob Howd, JN-CN
Stf/C Linda LaLonde, P
Stf/C Wayne Lambert, AP
& Youth Programs
Recruiting & NMRs
USCGA Initiative
Retention & Involvement

Headquarters Membership Support Staff

Deliah Mealy-Holloway, Supervisor, Membership
Districts 1-8 & 27 - 33 &
Provisional Squadrons
Call or email  Deliah for info regards membership matters, forms, requests for reports, etc.
888-367-8777 ext 229

Lynnda Stevens - Districts 9 - 26
Call: 888-367-8777 ext 219

HQ toll free 888-367-8777 Fax Toll Free 888-304-0813


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