America's Boating Club®

United States Power Squadrons®

Web Site Hosting

A tool has been developed to allow Squadrons and Districts to update and maintain the information displayed on the USPS public pages about their squadron or district and to update and maintain their ITC contact information, including their listed (or prefered) URL.

General Requirements ITCom has put together some very basic requirements for each site. Most of these requirements are basic HTML and Internet etiquette (netiquette) related, or to afford your squadron a better place in search engines.
There are additional usage notes for web sites that are located on the ITCom system.

Adding Your Web Page
If you would like to have your Squadron, District, or Committee web site housed on the ITCom system, please review the requirements, and then send an e-mail to the ITCom. Note that all USPS web sites, regardless of where they are located, have additional requirements.
A directory, user name, and password will be assigned to you, as well as your squadron (or district) URL.

Microsoft FrontPage Users
Neither "FrontPage Extensions" nor "Active Server Pages" are supported by the USPS web server.
Microsoft offers KISSfp, an "Add-on" for FrontPage that provides a way of publishing FrontPage-created web sites to web servers that do not support the extensions.

USPS Web Ring
It has been decided to drop USPS participation in the Web Ring venture. An alternate solution, which all are encouraged to take advantage of. You can see an example of how it works.

USPS Logos
Here is a link to all the various logos used by USPS.

Uploading Files
Some screen shots of several ftp programs are available to help you configure your client program.
Older step-by-step procedures for AOL users is available too. This might be useful for others as well, as most of the commands used by your ftp program will be the same.

Dissemination of information is the key to the success of any program.



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