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USPS 90th Anniversary Proclamation USPS 90th Anniversary Guidelines Page

District and Squadron Activities

Make arrangements now for your Squadron and
District 90th Anniversary Party.

As the year 2004 approaches, USPS is encouraging all of our squadrons and districts to make arrangements now for your own 90th Anniversary party. If your district or squadron is celebrating a significant anniversary year, incorporate that as well. Anniversaries are a time to celebrate and what better time than our 90th Anniversary in 2004.

Marketing & Public Relations are very important for USPS and a 90th Anniversary Party provides excellent opportunities for publicity in both the print and electronic media.

Prepare a press release for your local newspapers and television stations and ask them to send a reporter and photographer/videographer to cover your anniversary event. Send the release to the sports and outdoor editors, the society editor, and the photo editor. You never know who might be interested. Be sure to personalize the invitations by using their correct names and titles.

As part of your celebration we suggest that you consider inviting your state's Boating Law Administrator and spouse, the chief of your marine police force and spouse, and a few others in the world of boating education or enforcement such as the commandant and spouse of a local Coast Guard Base. Will it cost your squadron or district money to invite these guests? Of course, but think of the dividends it can produce for our great organization.

We have provided a sample press release on page 4 of the Guidelines and you should use this as a guide for our own press release which should be given to your local editor six weeks before your event. You might also consider inviting the newspaper editor and his/her spouse.

The 90th Anniversary logos should also be used on your stationary and in your squadron publication and USPS has a supply of discs in headquarters. Details on these discs for both PC and Mac are on page 3 of this booklet.


Stf/C Robert A. Green, N and P/C Chub Varga, AP, both of the USPS Mar/PR Committee, are preparing an entertaining powerpoint presentation on the foundation of USPS (complete with Barbershop quartet singers) and this will be made available, at cost, later this year.