America's Boating Club®

United States Power Squadrons®


Welcome to Cooperative Charting!

The Cooperative Charting Program of the United States Power Squadrons consists of three important and fun-to-do Civic Service activities:          
1) Nautical Surveys (e.g. ATONs and Bridges) which are typically conducted on the water by boat,
2) Marina Surveys, which can be done by land or by boating to a marina, and
3) Geodetic Marker Recoveries which are typically conducted by land.
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   Current Newsletters - Cooperative Charting! 

The Cooperative Charting Program is conducted in close cooperation with: 

  • The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE),

  • the United States Coast Guard (USCG),

  • NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey (NGS), and

  • Cruisers’ Net. 

After each activity by a member or group of members, a report is submitted to the USPS/ABC National Cooperative Charting Committee for approval and the awarding of credits to those participating.  At year-end, national and district recognition is awarded to individuals, squadrons, and districts for their achievements.

There is something for everyone, and the time spent on these activities can contribute toward earning a Merit Mark.



The bottom of this page is under construction - all links remain active. Any Questions,  contact a Committee member for Assistance



2022 Light List sign

 Important Updated Light List Program2022 Light List sign


When he was Chief he did Coop Charting St Paul Expedition
Craig F on Geo Mark Hunt                              Saint Paul Power Expedition  

He's looking for Geodetic Marks!

looking for Geodetic Marks!



The Cooperative Charting Program of the United States Power Squadrons is conducted in close cooperation with the United States Army Corps of Engineers, the United States Coast Guard, and  NOAA's National Geodetic Survey Division (NGSD). The Program continues to be a major public service of USPS.  As in the past, members supply important information to the above agencies so updates can be made to nautical charts and the National Survey Marker databases.

The Aid-To-Navigation and Bridge Inspection programs support the USACE and Coast Guard in assuring waterways are properly marked and maintained.

The Cooperative Charting Committee maintains a Geodetic Program where members help to verify the accuracy of reference points established on the surface of the earth by local, state, and national agencies. Maintenance and preservation of these marks are of utmost importance to users of the net and to NGSD.  Recognizing that many valuable geodetic marks are destroyed by construction, new roads, erosion, or other causes, our job is to locate each of these marks and report their condition together with any change in the directions needed to locate them.

We have been complimented by government leadership that the Cooperative Charting Program is recognized as the most effective user-participation program in all of the Federal Services. 

Cooperative Charting Presentations are here for your review:

2023 Governing Board Meeting Presentations

Governing Board PDF of the Power Point

2023 Gov Board USACE CHARTS - Army Corps of Engineers

NOAA Coast Survey Presentation

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1st Time Users need Authorization to Complete a Report
ClickLink to the Registration Form  to Receive the Authorization

Short Cut Links to Create Reports





Nautical Report 2024 Geodetic Report 2024 Marina Survey Report 2024


History of Cooperative Charting

Past Rear Commander Honor Roll

Standard Operating Procedures

Geodetic Program

Nautical Program









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