Boating Safety 4 Kids

Boating Safety 4 Kids is a fun-packed 2-hour FREE class. The class provides KIDS with boating safety knowledge that will help prevent accidents and help kids save themselves, if they are in an accident.  This course is intended for children in 1st through 6th grade.

We use stories, skits, games and experiments to get the messages across to the children.  They learn the proper SIZE, FIT AND COLOR of life jackets at the "Lie Jacket Style Show".  The game "It's in the Box" teaches the kids when and why to wear their life jackets while in the boat. "Uncle Louie", a real fishing whacko, teaches them what to do in a boating accident - SIT, THROW, YELL AND WAVE.  They are shown how to make a Rescue Bag.

We go to where the kids are which takes us to many locations in Snohomish/King County, such as schools, parks, clubs and even the YMCA.  Boating Safety for Kids has been brought to you by the Everett Sail and Power Squadron and Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission since 1997.  Below is our next Boating Safety 4 Kids class.  All children must be pre-registered. 

Boating Safety 4 Kids Class

When:  28 July 2016 - 6 years and older


Where:  Mill Creek, YMCA - open to the Public


Instructor:  Cdr Linda Martin, AP Chairman


Contact:  Cdr Linda Martin, JN for more information at:  425-422-4721 or email Linda