About Balboa Power Squadron...

Balboa Power Squadron, headquartered in Newport Beach, California, is one of more than 450 Squadrons which make up the United States Power Squadrons® organization.

The USPS Ensign® and Balboa Power Squadron Burgee

The Squadron is a unit of District 28 (see Map). It was founded in July, 1940 with 12 charter members transferring from the Los Angeles Power Squadron. Annual dues at that time were $1 plus National dues of $2! 

The Squadron´s territory lies in southern Orange County, California, reaching to Newport Beach and Costa Mesa in the north and San Clemente in the south. Headquarters are at 1714 West Balboa Boulevard, Newport Beach, California; telephone (949) 675-8801.

About USPS

United States Power Squadrons (USPS®) is a private, non-profit, non-governmental, and non-military organization of men and women who have a common love and appreciation of boating. There are no barriers to membership on the grounds of race, religion or ethnic background. The national organization comprises some 50,000 members in approximately 450 Squadrons in most states, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and distant areas where there are Americans. Organized in 1914, USPS is the world's largest private boating organization and has been honored by three US presidents for its civic contributions. Learn more about us in Frequently Asked Questions.



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