The United States Power Squadrons ® is comprised of 33 districts. The district is a union of different local squadrons in a general area of coverage. District 9 has 22 local squadrons. 21 squadrons are located in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan and 1 squadron in northern Indiana. The squadrons range in size from about 35 to 400 members. District 9 has over 3200 members. Look at our District Map. The location of each Squadron is shown on the map.
Our District is managed by a group of elected volunteers who serve on our District Bridge. The district serves as the link between the national organization and the local squadron. It serves as a resource to the squadron leadership by providing information to the squadrons. It also provides feedback to the national organization about items of concern to the squadrons. Each squadron officer has a district counterpart who can provide information and answer questions.
The district and one of the squadrons host a District Conference twice each year. These weekend-long meetings are for all members of the district. They include business meetings and seminars as well as many informal gatherings. Seminar subjects include educational course offerings, boating safety, co-op charting, membership and membership involvement, and officer meetings. A representative of the USPS Chief Commander attends and participates in many of the meetings.
District 9 facilitates and coordinates the efforts of its squadrons in a variety of ways, including:
The United States Power Squadrons is known for our non-profit Public Boating Course. To find the next Basic Boating Course near you, call
1-888-FOR-USPS or USE our On-Line Course Finder!
The United States Power Squadrons stands for Self Education, Civic Service, and Fraternity. Here is a list of some of the events being held in our District this year!
D/Lt Chet Dunbar Jr., AP
Grosse Pointe Power Squadron
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Revised 10/14/02