- Texas Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certification Form
- This is the form that is used when purchasing items to be used for squadron business and activities.
- Squadron Expense Reimbursement Form
- This is the form that must be used if you want a check issued in payment of an invoice or individual reimbursement. The request must
be signed off on by the appropriate Bridge officer; amounts in excess of the approved budget require Executive Committee approval.
- Please do not hand or mail receipts, invoices or pleas for financial assistance without the completed form because I will not accept them! I
will, however, always have a supply of forms on hand at all meetings that I attend. The form is provided for your retention and use as necessary. I
will issue checks within 2-3 days of receipt of the request and mail them to the address indicated.
- Also, do not forget that we are a tax-exempt organization. I will not pay requests for reimbursement of sales tax but will provide you with a
form to give vendors if needed (see above).
Lt/C George Pepper, P
FWSPS Treasurer