Ocean City Power Squadron

Event Financial Report


The following information is requested by the Financial Officer


Date _______ Name of Event ____________________ Chairperson(s) __________________




     Item(s)                 Quantity                Reason                     Cost

______________________  _______  _______________________  $ _______

______________________  _______  _______________________  $ _______

______________________  _______  _______________________  $ _______

______________________  _______  _______________________  $ _______

______________________  _______  _______________________  $ _______

______________________  _______  _______________________  $ _______

______________________  _______  _______________________  $ _______

______________________  _______  _______________________  $ _______

______________________  _______  _______________________  $ _______

______________________  _______  _______________________  $ _______

______________________  _______  _______________________  $ _______

Squadron Guest Count: ________ X Cost Per Person: ________ =   $ _______


     Total   $ _______




Members Attended:        ______ X Revenue Per Person:  ______ =   $ _______

Non-Members Attended: ______ X Revenue Per Person:  ______ =   $ _______

____________________________________________________  =   $ _______

____________________________________________________  =   $ _______

____________________________________________________  =   $ _______


      Total   $ _______


   Total Income  $ _______

 Total Expenses  $ _______

        Difference  $ _______


Complete and promptly return to Bridge Officer “in charge”