
Auxiliary Advisory Committee
United States Power Squadrons
Sail and Power Boating

Vol. 11, No. 1
D/Lt Lois W. Neef, P, Editor
January, 2000

From the Desk of the Rear Commander


Now is the time to get rid of some of the OLD and on with the NEW. The Auxiliary Advisory Committee has accomplished our model by-law changes, created a web site and has been visible with our articles in The Ensign. We will continue our visibility and our web site .We will be striving to reach our goals of maintaining our present Auxiliaries and encouraging Squadrons that do not have an Auxiliary to realize the benefits by starting one. Auxiliaries are necessary. The purpose of an Auxiliary is to assist the Squadron wherever possible.

Our members are of the highest quality, which is so critical to an organization. Members may have dual membership in auxiliary and the parent squadron. Members can be male or female. Let's make our vision of forming new auxiliaries and maintaining existing ones real--make it happen NOW! We look forward to seeing you all at our meeting Friday 28 January, 1530-1700, Salon 7.

Our exciting program Team USPS x 2 will be presented by P/D/C Bruce Troth, AP from the Membership Committee.

Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to you all,

R/C Patricia C. Armstrong, JN

Friday, 28 January, 2000
1530-1700 in Salon 7



"What is EXPO?" you ask. It happens at annual meetings only. It is a large meeting room where all committees of USPS have a booth where they present the workings of their committees to all of USPS. This is your chance to meet the members of the Auxiliary Advisory Committee and be in the middle of the action. If you sent pictures to Lt/C Ellen Carr, AP, they will be on display in the Auxiliary Advisory Booth along with other important information. EXPO will be held on Friday, 28 January, 0800-1200. Don't miss it! 

Veni, Vidi, Visa:  I came.  I saw.  I shopped. 

Coffee, Chocolate, Men:  Some things are just better rich. 

A diplomat is one who can tell a man he is open-minded when he has a hole in his head. 

How come you can tell a man that there are 400 billion stars and he’ll believe you, but tell him a bench has wet paint and he has to touch it. 

(From the Skipper’s Log.  Thank you CAPS)

Auxiliary/Squadron Activities
  • At District 14 Fall Conference from 1400 to 1600, Norma DeCesare, P and Lt/C Ellen Carr, AP held a seminar on "How To Make Holiday Wreaths." It sounded like a great Christmas Dinner/Dance held on 04 December 1999 at East Greenwich Yacht Club also. (Greenwich Bay Squadron)
  • LADY SKIPPERS sent out the call to everyone for their favorite recipes, picked the artwork, cover and name. Then they were ready to proofread, proofread, proofread, and print. A great recipe book was ready in time for Christmas shopping. (They might be available at the Annual Meeting.) (The LOOKOUT, Fort Vancouver Power Squadron.)

  •  AUXILIARY DOIN’S  Some of the members meet for Cards and Games each month.  Others work on Arts and Crafts to sell at the Holiday Craft Bazaar in early November.  (What a fun way to make extra money.)  The Auxiliary also helps with refreshments for the graduation of the Public Boating Class.  They also have an Annual Style Show from the Thrift Shop at their September General Meeting of the Squadron.

  • (Pompano  Beach Power Squadron)  Now 41 years old! 
  •  SEA BELLES presented A STAR LIGHT NIGHT, Holiday Dinner Dance on 4 December 1999.  Several District 16 officers attended  also.  Each person received a gift which Santa had delivered earlier in the evening.  This party is an annual affair and is subsidized by the auxiliary in order to keep the cost of tickets down.  (Bellevue Power Squadron)

  •  THE ISLANDER of Sue Island Sail & Power Squadron publishes a list of member birthdays every issue.  (What a nice idea.) 

  •  CAPS’s  Corner reported they are working on a Garage Sale to be held in February.  (Sounds like a great way to make a contribution and do your Spring cleaning at the same time.)

  • (Clearwater Sail & Power Squadron, Inc.) 

    Note from the Editor: 
    Thank you!, everyone who started sending me copies of your squadron newsletter.  It gives me more material to work with.  And, it is a real benefit to all of us when you share your ideas.   We can always use new ideas in our auxiliaries and squadrons. 


R/C Pat Armstrong, JN called the meeting to order at 0900. She welcomed all the guests to our meeting. The minutes from the open Spring Governing Board meeting were approved as issued. Committee members present were Stf/C Frank Wright, N, P/R/C Priscilla Clarke, AP, D/Lt Rosemary Bialecke, P, Joyce Bruner, D/Lt Ellen Carr, AP, D/Lt Reyna Henry, N, D/Lt Judy Holmes, AP, D/Lt Lois Neef, P and D/Lt Martha Walker, AP.

Auxiliary Committee members present were introduced along with their areas of responsibility. They in turn introduced the guests present from the Districts and Auxiliaries in their area of responsibility.
P/R/C Priscilla Clarke gave an update on the status of active auxiliaries and the Auxiliary Directory. Unfortunately the number of auxiliaries is down. We have 47 auxiliaries with a membership of 1,819. The 1999-2000 Directory of USPS Approved Auxiliaries was mailed from USPS Headquarters in August. P/R/C Clarke gave an update on our Auxiliary web page and some of the changes that are being proposed for the front page. Thanks for getting this job done so quickly.

P/R/C Clarke gave an update on the Youth Poster Contest, there are 17 Districts submitting posters. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners in each age category will be announced at the Member luncheon on Saturday. The theme for the 1999-2000 contest is Life "Jacket-Up" For Safety.
D/Lt Lois Neef reported on the circulation of the Auxiliary newsletter and asked the guests to send in articles for the newsletter and we will gladly publish them.

D/Lt Martha Walker gave a brief overview of what is being planned for the theme of EXPO 2000. She has some wonderful ideas.
D/Lt Ellen Carr gave a brief report on the pictures need for the 2000 EXPO booth. Any pictures sent to her will be enlarged and put on display around the booth. The originals will be returned to the owners if requested.
The Member Enhancement Award was won by the Riverbelles Auxiliary and was presented to Cdr. Mary Glassco, AP, of Rocky River Squadron. Mary will present the award to the auxiliary at the next squadron meeting.

Our guest speaker was outstanding. P/C Robert Rayburn, JN presented "How to reach new people". The discussion and interaction of the audience was very rewarding and from the comments very helpful. The reaction from the group was extremely positive, I think they would have liked Bob to continue with his presentation. It was a fun morning. Thanks Bob.

R/C Armstrong entertained comments and questions, thanked all for attending and invited them to our Annual meeting in Orlando. The meeting was adjourned at 1050.

Respectfully submitted,
D/Lt Ellen Carr, AP