

Auxiliary Advisory Committee
United States Power Squadrons®
Sail and Power Boating
Volume 11, Number 4
D/Lt Carmen Adame, P, Editor
November 2000

A Time for Reflection

It is a time of reflection for me. I have been serving as the Rear Commander for the Auxiliary Advisory Committee for almost four years. Its been fun, frustrating, a learning experience and, very rewarding.  I have served under four Vice Commanders, and with two Staff Commanders, and had excellent committee members. Together, we accomplished more for the betterment of the Auxiliaries. 

Here are some of our accomplishments. The biggest challenge was making our by-laws “user friendly” for the Auxiliaries, enabling them to scale them to their individual needs. We produced the brochure Be a Winner, Add Auxiliary Power to let everyone know how valuable our auxiliaries are to their squadrons. Our Membership Enhancement Award has been successful in encouraging growth; this past year eleven Auxiliaries had increased membership. The expo 

booth at the Annual Meeting attracted many visitors and we were also most fortunate in having several inspirational presenters. Also, we now have a web site under which can answer many of your Auxiliary questions.

In all, everyone on the committee has been very dedicated. Without the team effort, nothing would have happened. I hope I see you all in Orlando. D/C Steve Johnson’s presentation “Time for Celebrations” is not to be missed. 

Now it's time for a new captain to take the helm and sail on to a new course. Congratulations to our incoming Rear Commander, Franklin P. Wright, SN, and his Staff Commander, Carmen Adame, P. 

Again, many thanks to the members of the committee for their dedication to our cause of serving the Auxiliaries. 

R/C Patricia C. Armstrong, JN 
Chairman, Auxiliary Advisory Committee


Friday, 19 January 2001
1500-1700 in Salon 20
Speaker will be
D/C Steven Johnson, AP
“A Time for Celebrations”

8 September 2000

R/C Pat Armstrong, JN called the meeting to order at 0830. The minutes for the Spring Governing Board were approved as read. 

Committee members present were: Stf/C Frank Wright, SN, D/Lt Rosemary Bialecke, P, D/Lt Ellen Carr, AP, D/Lt Reyna Henry, SN, D/Lt Lois Neef, P, D/Lt Martha Walker, AP, D/Lt Judy Holmes, AP, D/Lt Carmen Adame, P and Joyce Bruner.
Absent: P/R/C Priscilla B. Clarke, AP. 

The Auxiliary Advisory Committee members and guests were introduced. 

It was announced that D/Lt Carmen Adame is now the editor of the newsletter and requested that all inputs and information be provided to her as promptly as possible. 

At 0900 the meeting broke into small groups for a round table discussion on the successes of Auxiliaries and how the Committee can assist them. 

The information that was gathered was fantastic. One group reported on an Auxiliary that did quite a bit of fund raising with fashion shows, raffles, quilts, etc.

Some of the other groups reported on Auxiliaries that did not meet at the same time as their squadrons. Also, it was noted that some of the Auxiliaries are getting into an area where the age factor is becoming a problem.

The Covina Auxiliary had a 30.43% increase in membership last year. A plaque was presented to R/C Pat Armstrong, representing her Auxiliary, for this wonderful increase. 

Stf/C Frank Wright reported on the web site, by-laws, etc. in the absence of P/R/C Priscilla Clarke. Also, Stf/C Wright reported that there are now 47 Auxiliaries in USPS but total membership is down. Once again, the importance of the District Liaison Officer was discussed as being very crucial.

If Auxiliaries do not turn in their new officers for the coming year, the USPS Auxiliary Directory will not be current. It is very important to send the names of new officers to the USPS Auxiliary Advisory Committee. It was recommended that names be sent as early as possible, even before the official change of watch. 

R/C Armstrong concluded the meeting by thanking everyone for coming. 

The meeting adjourned at 1000.


Auxiliaries around the country are working in conjunction with their squadrons to make meetings more interesting, encourage membership, and foster friendship within their organizations.

The Pompano Beach P.S. Mariner newsletter has a column, “AUXILIARY DOIN’S”, which has all the news of the Auxiliary: the members’ trips, birthdays, socials, and future functions. Members meet prior to the general meeting in the Auxiliary Room and then join the Squadron for dinner. They have arts and crafts, with both a morning and evening group, and a thrift shop helps generate income for various projects. These are ladies who are very busy and having fun, too.

One of the most important ways that an Auxiliary can gain recognition for their members and organization is a well-placed column in the squadron publication. Everyone enjoys seeing their name in print… usually. The newsletter editor is always looking for fresh talent, too.

The Clearwater Sail and P.S. “CAPS”, have monthly luncheons for their members with a special luncheon in January to honor the presidents, past and present. They planned a combined Birthday and Sweetheart Ball which was a big success. At the D/8  District

Conference, the snacks for the Commander’s cocktail party came from Auxiliary member's kitchens. Because of their efforts they were able to present the squadron with a $500.00 gift for the Endowment Fund and an additional $500.00 for the Skippers Log, at the change of watch.
Planning special ways to recognize the officers of the Auxiliary helps encourage them as well as encouraging the recruitment of future officers. Volunteer wages are slim; encouragement is the reward that can make the difference.

Events during the squadron year that can highlight the strengths of Auxiliary membership need to be planned in conjunction with either the commander or the entertainment chairman. In this way, the many benefits associated with auxiliary-squadron cooperation will be apparent. District Conferences, C.O.W.’s, Christmas parties, and special event meetings can all be enhanced when the special touch of auxiliary members is evident.

D/22 had very good attendance at their “Round-Table Conference” during the Fall Conference in Tampa, FL, on 28 October 2000. The attending Auxiliaries were asked to bring their histories and share them with one another. They had such fun, the plans are to review the histories of other Auxiliaries at the next District Conference in the Spring.

 Let's continue making USPS history, together.



As a new year dawns, the opportunity to win the USPS Membership Enhancement Award for your Auxiliary presents itself. You may ask yourself how? 

For the past three years, a national award for an increase in Auxiliary membership has been awarded to that Auxiliary with the greatest percentage increase in members. Submission of the annual report to the chairman of the National Auxiliary Advisory Committee is important for several reasons: inclusion in the USPS insurance group and a place in the National USPS Directory of Approved Auxiliaries. And, for this award, the Auxiliary Advisory Committee uses the current membership total in this report to access the increase or decrease of members. In the past, only the winning component was recognized with a plaque. Beginning this year, the top twelve received a certificate of recognition. 

The Covina “Squadronettes” of the Covina P.S. in D/13, won the Membership Enhancement Award for the year 2000. Accepting the plaque on behalf of President Shirley Espedal was R/C Patricia C. Armstrong, JN. This was very special as R/C Armstrong is Chairman of the Auxiliary Advisory Committee, a member of the Squadronettes, and a past president of the Auxiliary. What a great moment! 

Second place went to the Anna Maria Island “Helpmates”, and third place to the Phoenix “Spraymates”. The following Auxiliaries all had an increase in active members: Vero Beach “Shipmates”, Saginaw Bay Auxiliary, Santana “White Caps”, Fort Walton “AHOY”, New Orleans “LANOPS”, Bellevue “Sea Belles”, Atlanta Auxiliary, and the Cape Coral “Cape Mates”. Well Done!

USPS Enhancement Award presented to
R/C Pat Armstrong, JN, Membership Chairman 
of the Covina “Squadronettes” by
D/Lt Carmen Adame, P, for the
Auxiliary Advisory Committee.
In January, 2001, the Annual Meeting will be held in Orlando, FL. The Auxiliary Advisory Committee will be having an open meeting which promises to be informative and friendly. Any questions regarding the annual report will be answered by friendly committee members. The program promises to be a lively one as D/C Steven Johnson, AP, is a dynamic speaker. 

Plan to attend the Auxiliary Advisory Committee Booth at the Friday EXPO. Meet others who are interested in boating education and boating fun. 

May 2001 be your year to shine in a USPS Auxiliary!