NAUTICAL CHARTS 1. Obtain nautical charts for area selected. The chart scale must be 1:40,000 or larger (e.g., 1:20,000) unless none are available for the area selected. 2. Update charts with information from LOCAL NOTICE TO MARINERS (LNM) or AUTOMATED NOTICE TO MARINERS SYSTEM (DMA). 3. When planning to check "Aids to Navigation", obtain a copy of the Light List for the area being cruised. This gives a description and identifying number of each Aid. 4. Cruise area, checking visual observation(s), depths, etc., with charted information. Note nature of each discrepancy with corresponding location. 5. Organize your data by listing the corrections and discrepancies on a copy of the "Nautical Features" worksheet. 6. Describe each item on the worksheet or on separate sheet(s). Plot corrections on the chart, labeling each correction with an Item #. Scan the chart sections. 7. State method used to determine depths and/or positions. Give information related to calibration of electronic depth sounding and positioning equipment and state how data have or have not been corrected. 8. Notify USCG or USACE, as appropriate, for each situation. Note on the worksheet that these contacts have been made. 9. Log on CCWEB at "" and complete the on-line report as a "Nautical Chart Item" report. Attach the scanned chart section files and any other support files. Check all information and promptly submit your report. 10. If your CoCh Cruise reveals no discrepancies, you may still obtain credit for the time spent and distance traveled by logging on CCWEB at "" and complete the on-line report as a "ATON Inspection" report. Attach the scanned chart section of the area inspected. |
Suggested items to check: