1. Obtain names and addresses of marinas from nautical charts, telephone directories, local residents, etc.

2. Look at "Small Craft Reports Previously Submitted" on CCWEB at "" and delete from your list any candidates that have been already been reported this calendar year. Also delete any that are private, do not have fuel, pumpout facilities or transient berths or moorings.

In the Field:
3. Visit each facility, comparing information on current nautical charts with actual observation(s). Obtain a Business card, Brochure or Letterhead. If none of these is available, a link to their website may be substituted. Note corrections, discrepancies and/or new information using a copy of the "Small Craft Facility" worksheet.

4. Indicate if the facility is NEW, UPDATED or DISCONTINUED(out of business).

5. If the facility is NEW, determine the exact LAT./LONG. and state in your report how it was determined (GPS, scaled from chart, etc.). Include a Position Data Page in your report. Plot this location on a chart section. Scan the chart sections and include the scan file with your report. Scan the Business card, Brochure or Letterhead.

6. If the facility is UPDATED or DISCONTINUED, be sure to indicate the CHARTED FACILITY NUMBER.

7. Log on CCWEB at "" and complete the on-line report. If the facility is on a Small Craft/Inland Waterway or Great Lakes chart, enter the data as a SCF Report.
If the facility is not on one of these charts or located elsewhere, enter all of the same information as a Coast Pilot Report. Check all information, attach the support files and promptly submit your report.

Small Craft Facility Check List
  • Facility Name /Number
  • Street address, City, State, Zip Code
  • Contact Person
  • Telephone Number, E-mail, VHF channel
  • New, discontinued, updated or no change

The following should be answered with a DEPTH, as reported by the facility owner/operator.

  • Approach Depth (Low Water)
  • Alongside Depth (Low Water)

The following should be answered: YES, NO or a NUMERIC VALUE

  • Electricity (transients)
  • Launch ramp: surfaced or natural
  • Repairs: Hull, motor, radio
  • Marine railway (boat length capacity, ft)
  • Travel lift (capacity, tons)
  • Boat rental: canoe, row, motor, charter, house, sail
  • Food (restaurant)
  • Lodging, camping, toilets, showers, laundry
  • Pump out station
  • Winter boat storage: Wet, Dry
  • Nautical Chart Sales
  • Water, ice groceries, hardware, bait tackle
  • Fuel: diesel, gas
  • VHF channel monitored
  • Towing