1. The chart selected by a squadron for this program should be the largest scale chart of a given area.

2. Requests for a squadron to participate in the ADOPT - A - CHART program should be submitted by the District Cooperative Charting Chair to the Rear Commander, National Cooperative Charting Committee. Please include an estimate of the number of squadron members that will be involved, the number of boats available and the number of the National Ocean Service nautical chart that they would like to ADOPT.

3. It is assumed that once a squadron ‘adopts’ a chart, that they will continue to monitor this chart. This is not a program for one summer or one year, but one that should continue year after year. If your Squadron has already adopted a Chart, you can determine if another report is due by viewing the latest Adopt-A-Chart Status report.

4. The chart selected should be COMPLETELY and SYSTEMATICALLY evaluated for charted information that is no longer accurate as well as new features that need to be charted to promote safe navigation. The chart should also be checked for cartographic errors, such as misspelled geographic names, wrong colors or numbers on aids to navigation, etc.

5. The method used in obtaining latitude and longitude must always be given. GPS positions, and especially DGPS positions, are preferable.

6. The waterfront areas depicted on the chart should be compared with the existing conditions in sufficient detail to determine whether or not the chart presents a true picture of the area as it presently exists. A statement should be made in your report on CCWEB concerning this comparison. When discrepancies are found which require actions that are beyond the capability of USPS members, recommendations should be made on ways to accomplish their resolution, such as securing updated aerial photography.

7. Charted landmarks should be investigated to insure that they are (1) still in existence, and (2) that they are still useful, when Viewed from seaward, as landmarks. Recommendations should be made regarding the deletion of charted landmarks and/or the addition of new landmarks.

8. Visible wrecks should be checked to see if the are, in fact, still visible. If they are not visible, try to ascertain what happened to them. Were they salvaged, and if so, by whom and when? Documentation from a salvage company would be extremely useful. (This information is required to get the wreck or obstruction taken off of the chart).

9. Are charted overhead cables still there or are there any new overhead obstructions that need to be charted? (The basic rule of thumb is if an overhead cable crosses a waterway where there are soundings shown, then the vertical clearance needs to be shown for that overhead cable).

10. Another part of this program is to verify or revise the information published in the appropriate Coast Pilot. The Coast Pilot should be carefully examined for accuracy and completeness in the area of the chart. If modifications are required, your suggestions should be submitted in your report on CCWEB indicating the edition, page, and line number.

11. Squadron members should interview other chart users in the area. They should also contact owner/operators of dive shops, marinas, charter fishermen, commercial vessel captains, pilots, etc. to solicit any local knowledge or useful information they might have concerning the particular chart. They might know of areas that have shoaled or the location of uncharted wrecks or obstructions.

12. Log on CCWEB at "" and complete the on-line report. Attach the scanned chart section files and any other support files. Check all information and promptly submit your report.

13. When ‘adopted’ charts are being prepared for a new edition, the ADOPT - A - CHART reports submitted will be reviewed by NOS and a determination will be made if an ACKNOWLEDGMENT NOTE for that squadron will be added to the chart.