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ComNom Website

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Welcome to the Committee on Nominations website!

The ComNom website has been designed to allow you to express any interests you may have in serving in a national, district, or squadron office; or on a national, district, or squadron committee. The ComNom on-line Resume allows you to submit your resume on-line at your leisure. The ComNom website also provides news and information about the committee.

The Committee on Nominations is a General Committee of United States Power Squadrons, elected at the Annual Meeting each year. The committee is charged by the USPS Bylaws with preparing a slate of nominees for election at the annual meeting. The slate includes candidates for the offices of Chief Commander, the five department heads, the General Members of the Governing Board, the chairman and members of the Committee on Rules, and the chairman and members of the Committee on Nominations.

ComNom is also charged with presenting a slate of nominees for election by the Governing Board that includes candidates for the office of committee chairman, assistant committee chairman, members of the Standing Committees and General Members of the Governing Board.

ComNom also assists national committee chairmen with the process finding candidates for their committees. The committee also assists districts and squadrons in finding candidates for open positions.

Members of the Committees on Nominations look upon their assignments as tasks of great responsibility. The committee strives to act to the best of its ability for the benefit of the USPS organization as a whole. USPS members from all parts of the country and from squadrons of all sizes are eligible to fill the important national offices of the organization. The committee must choose nominees who by capability, talent, training, and personality are suitable for the various assignments. Its decisions must always be in the best interests of USPS.

The committee consists of seven members, plus the most recent Past Chief Commander willing and able to serve. One member is nominated and elected chairman at the annual meeting. The committee elects an assistant chairman from among its members. Elected committee members serve one three-year term and may not succeed themselves or serve additional terms at any time.

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