USPS Ship's Wheel Logo

Flag and Etiquette
OM Graphics

Do It Right!

Operations Manual Graphics

GIF files reduced in size by Dan Bartell
from the original TIF & PSD graphics below
(these graphics are recommended for most uses)

Click on link to view or use right mouse button
to "Save target as" or "Save Link as".

File Name Size
blazer-emblem.gif 22,668
blazer-insig.gif 135,508
buttons-3color.gif 114,476
buttons.gif 113,818
cap-3-color.gif 58,764
capinsig.gif 197,587
cc-aide.gif 11,247
ensign-dimen.gif 74,022
flag-finn.gif 31,677
flag-natofficers.gif 37,677
flagarranged.gif 57,399
flags-black.gif 124,250
flags-color.gif 212,745
flags-rostrum.gif 94,707
flags.gif 215,604
officertridents.gif 217710
Ot-gradeinsig-all-color.gif 135,840
Ot-gradeinsig-BOT-color.gif 39,190
Ot-gradeinsig-TOP.color.gif 75,674
past-signals-BW.gif 51,043
past-signals-color.gif 118,262
serv-club-sign.gif 118,262
tailorguide.gif 123,437
Tridents-basic.gif 61,039
tridents_meas NOTYPE.gif 39,531
tridents_meas.gif 39,531
uniform-m.gif 170,813
uniform-w.gif 141,370

Original TIF & PSD files created by Marilee
Caliendo from proof versions at HQ for use
with the Operations Manual (these files are
very, very large with long download times.)
(The GIF files above are recommend for most uses.)

TIFF files cannot be viewed in a browser, use right
mouse button to "Save target as" or "Save Link as".

File Name Size
Blazer-embl.tif 19,926,528
blazer-insig.psd 1,485,886
blazer-insig.tif 5,592,928
buttons-3color.psd 1,801,395
buttons.tif 5,360,072
cap-3-color.psd 1,184,436
cap-3-color.tif 2,572,860
capinsig.tif 2,572,860
cc-aide.tif 630,872
ensign-dimen.tif 3,648688
flag-finn.tif 1,333,520
flag-natoficers.tif 3,235,980
flagarranged.psd 851,669
flagarranged.tif 3,361,596
flags-black.tif 6,178,600
flags-color.tif 1,8527,008
Flags-rostrum.tif 5,124,952
flags.tif 12,243,680
fleetlogo.tif 165,040
officertridents.tif 5,912,328
Ot-gradeinsig-all.psd 2,918,054
Ot-gradeinsig-BOT.psd 1,136,831
Ot-gradeinsig-TOP.psd 2,008,122
past-signals-BW.tif 1,733,192
past-signals-color.psd 1,314,453
past-signals-color.tif 5,187,632
sampson1.psd 168,928
sampson2.psd 211,506
serv-club-sign.tif 5,674,920
tailorgide.tif 26,459,122
Tridents-basic.tif 2,668,328
tridents.tif 2,320,557
tridents_meas NOTYPE.tif 3,140,460
tridents_meas.psd 707,599
tridents_meas.tif 3,085,367
tridents_mixed.tif 2,390,867
uniform-m.psd 1,770,549
uniform-w.psd 1,336,851

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