Basics of HTML

This is a very basic overview of HTML - Hyper Text MarkUp Language. There are many books on the subject, but by using the tags contained herein, you will be able to make simple, yet effective web pages.

Use the following only if you don't own a program that will do all the conversions for you. The major word processors (latest versions) all save as HTML files as well as the latest versions of the major Web Browsers with their edit functions).

A good idea for learning HTML, is to use your browser's "View Source" feature, usually found under the View opiton on the menu bar. See how other's have constructed their web site. Borrow ideas, learn new skills. Albert Einstein once said something to the effect of "Genius is improving what has already been invented" You too can become an HTML Genius!

Basic layout
The basic layout of an html page consists of a header portion and a body portion. Most tags consist of an open and close tag. Some are just open tags.

< html >
< head >
< title >
This is the title of the page
< title >
< body >
Here is where the whole page goes
< body >
< html >

Changing font size and other font attributes
To make headers, like the one above, you place a sign, where the question mark can be a number between 1 and 6, closed by the with the same number.

The header for this section used a number 2.

To Bold something, use < B > and < /B >
To center an item, use < center > and < /center >

To seperate paragraphs, use a single < p >
To skip a line, use a single
To hyperlink to another page use the following: < a href="xxx" >The link
descritpion< /a > The xxx can be one of the following:
a page in your current directory, such as index.html
a page on a sub directory, such as ./private/index.html
a page on another web server, such as
To add an image, type < img src = "xxx" > where xxx is the location of the source file (just like a hyperlink).

Want to learn more?
There are literally hundreds of books and programs that make this process easy and fun. Go to your local library and pick up a book and start to learn the basics.

Other Internet Resources on HTML Have Fun!
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