Standard USPS Colors

Cable Number 70180 Old Glory White  
Pantone PMS ® not defined
RGB decimal (255, 255, 255)
Browser Safe decimal (255, 255, 255)
Browser Safe hex 0xFFFFFF
Cable Number 70180 Old Glory Blue  
Pantone PMS ® 280
RGB decimal (0, 43, 127)
RGB hex 0x002B7F
Browser Safe decimal (0, 51, 153)
Browser Safe hex 0x003399
Cable Number 70180 Old Glory Red  
Pantone PMS ® 185
RGB decimal (233, 19, 47)
RGB hex 0xEA132F
Browser Safe decimal (255, 0, 51)
Browser Safe hex 0xFF0033
  1. Cable numbers and Pantone Coated values are from the USPS Operations Manual, paragraph 17.11.
  2. RGB conversions were provided by Marilee Caliendo, Coral Ridge.
  3. Browser safe colors are defined in the standard 216-color palette most often used by web browsers to display 8-bit images across supported platforms.
  4. If your video adapter and monitor are setup to support more than 256 colors, you should see a slight difference in the "official" and the "browser safe" color.
  5. In your HTML code, you do not use RGB triples, nor the "0x" hexadecimal notation, but the "#" hexadecimal notation - use #FFFFFF for white.
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