What Is On The CD? This CD contains: 1. Recruitment presentation with pre-recorded script narration. 2. Recruitment presentation without pre-recorded script narration. 3. Presentation Script in Microsoft Word format 4. MP3 sound file containing the pre-recorded script narration 5. Microsoft Powerpoint Viewer 2003 program (compatible with older versions of Microsoft Powerpoint) 6. This README text file NOTES: 1. Please see the Word "Presentation Script" file for additional information on using the two included presentation versions. 2. While the presentation can be run directly from the CD, it is recommended that the files be installed on your computer's hard drive. Insure that the Powerpoint presentations (the .PPT files are located in the same directory as the sound file (the .MP3 file). Failure to do so will likely result in ability to play back the recorded narration. 3. If the computer used for the presentation does not have a copy of Microsoft Powerpoint installed on it, please install the Powerpoint Viewer program included on the CD. If you received these presentations from a source other than the source CD, you can download a free copy of the Microsoft Powerpoint 2003 Viewer program from the Microsoft web site (www.Microsoft.com/Downloads/). Use the Search entry box to look for Powerpoint Viewer. Then download the 2003 version of that program. Save the downloaded program in a folder where you can find it. Install the program by opening the folder where you saved the viewer program and double-click the file's icon or name from the list. Accept the default settings that the installation process suggests. When the program is installed, click the "Start" and then the "All Programs" buttons. Find the viewer program in the displayed program listing and click on it. 4. To start the presentation: a. using the Powerpoint viewer: Start the viewer program as directed above. Click on "File" on the menu bar, then "Open". Use the dialog box that opens up to navigate to the location (either the CD or a directory on your hard drive) of the presentation you wish to show. Click on the file name in the list. Then click "Open". b. using the full Powerpoint program: click the "Start" and then the "All Programs" buttons. Find the Powerpoint program in the displayed program listing and click on it. c. For both methods: When the presentation is opened, click on "Slide Show" on the menu bar at the top of the window. Then click on "View Show". Your presentation should now be running. If running the version with the pre-recorded narration, ensure that the sound volume is turned up on your computer. 5. If you have questions about using these presentations, support will be given on a best effort basis by contacting: Stf/Cdr Chub Varga at: CJVarga@Optonline.net