Ideas using "Chart Smart" to recruit new members. Very Cool and FUN !
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Subj: Re: [Psml] Chart Smart
Date: 10/28/2002 9:24:30 PM Pacific Standard Time
From: (Bill Johnson)
To: (Mike Daly), (USPS Mail List)

At the Phoenix Squadron, we've had Chart Smart follow Boat Smart for 6 of the last 8 regularly scheduled Boat Smart classes since last October. For us the quantity of students migrating from Boat Smart to Chart Smart is small, but the people who have taken it, are usually new members and signing up for the Piloting/Seamanship classes when they are available. This class provides the initial piloting class work that used to be given in the Squadron Boating Course. The students and instructors enjoy the format that removes the people that really are not interested in being forced to take the piloting in the other course and provides a confidence building beginning piloting experience.

Chart Smart is a good ground breaking class for Piloting(some squadrons are adding extra material to it also), but is maybe too basic for AP review. Chart Smart gives the student, compass, TVMDC, Latitude/Longitude, plotting a course line, labeling course-speed-distance, 24 hour clock and the important 60D ST calculations exposure.

Completion Certificates are available from National.

I would recommend is for use by everyone.

Bill Johnson, AP
Phoenix PS

In a message dated 10/28/2002 9:34:32 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< We now teach Boat Smart entirely on one Saturday with great

We then offer Chart Smart and Seamanship free to new members if they
take them within a year after joining the squadron. >>

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