The United States Power Squadrons®



Flag & Etiquette




Information Technology


Operations Manual




 Ship’s Store


The Ensign




Editor/Web Publisher


Copyright © 2003 –2004 by United States Power Squadrons. "THE ENSIGN," "United States Power Squadrons," "USPS," "America's Boating Club," "America's Boating Course," the ensign design, the ship's wheel and ensign design, the trident design, "The Squadron" design, "The Ensign" design, the "Boat Smart" name and design, and the "Jet Smart" name and design are all registered trademarks of United States Power Squadrons.

      The results are in and VHQAB from a technical standpoint has been a great success with only a few minor glitches.  One continuing problem that plagues us is e-mail addresses; members who would never change their telephone number unless they moved out of an area code, think nothing of changing their e-mail address.  This greatly complicates communications between headquarters and local squadrons.  As we become more and more dependant on e-mail I am sure that member’s habits will change and e-mail will stabilize as the most efficient and preferred means of communication.  Some interesting facts that come from headquarters collection of dues is that just under 19% of those members that renewed did so by credit card, with over 50% of that number renewing on line.  Renewal rates for the three test districts were better than for the organization as a whole (82.4% versus 80.0%)  Districts 10 and 15 had a combined renewal rate of almost 86%, but unfortunately District 16 had a renewal rate of only 78%.  Next year several additional districts will be added to the test program.

      One of our more recent initiatives is the development of a national database of every person that takes one of our three boating courses.  USPS® can use this database to market the benefits of membership to an ever-growing audience.  This is where the software known as the Boating Course Assistant (BCA) comes in.  The BCA developed by D/Lt/C Ken Guscott, JN of ITCom can be used in teaching any of our three basic boating courses, the Boating Course®, Boat Smart® or America’s Boating Course®.  Once the student’s names and demographic data have been entered the software will print out ED 26 and 27 forms as well as course completion certificates and membership application forms.  R/C Robert Baldridge, N, Assistant National Secretary and Kathy Kesterson, Manager, Administrative Services at headquarters have developed the necessary software to allow the retrieval of data from the BCA on students that have taken one of our boating courses.  Now with the new software at headquarters we can electronically add those students to our Boating Class database.  I encourage squadrons to begin using the BCA, it will ease the administrative burden and at the same time help us realize our goal of having a database of students that have taken our boating courses.

V/C Frank A. Dvorak, SN

©  2003—2004 United States Power Squadrons


 In this issue:

Greetings from the

National Secretary


Flag & Etiquette Com


Headquarters / PubCom


Power Byte - ITCom




The Ensign/OM/Calendar