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The Ensign Mission Statement


“To publish

 a quality magazine

for USPS

that informs

and educates members .. . inspires

safe recreational boating .. .”

Secretary’s Department Newsletter

    2003 Photography contest netted 82 entries; 461 votes were cast by USPS to select the winner at the Annual Meeting.

●    New part time employee, Kelly Anderson, hired at HQ to work with TE staff.

●    Redesign of TE website effected in 2003 at URL

●    TEC working with Publications to produce an Online listing of publication editors.

●    Mission Statement developed for TEC:

●    Vendor Lobby Table displays are now coordinated by TEC. TEC has developed Letters of Invitation to participate, Terms and Conditions for Exhibitors, and Application to Exhibit Form. Packets are mailed to potential exhibitors and exhibits coordinated for the Meetings Committee.

●    New Columns in TE include Crew Corner, Boat DockTor, Test Your Knowledge.

by R/C Joyce Shaw, AP

Volume 4,  Issue 1    January 2004

      The January 2004 ‘Editor’s Newsletter’ published by PubCom is on-line at  2004 Editor’s  Newsletter Advisors are included.

      PubCom’s primary mission is to help each USPS editor produce the very best newsletter possible, so don’t hesitate to contact your advisor whenever you have a question or desire a progress report.

      2003 ‘Distinction in Journalism’ award recipients will be posted in Orlando and on the PubCom web site.   While in Orlando, visit the Parade   0f Publications table and introduce yourself.            (Information for this article  from the “Editor’s Newsletter” Jan 04)


R/C (Elect) Ina Fay Zitter,JN


® 2003 United States Power Squadrons

Secretary’s Department Newsletter