“ The Flag and Etiquette committee will join the


Department ..”

Headquarters Director

Mary Catherine Berube


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® 2003 United States Power Squadrons

      Almost every new initiative undertaken by USPS affects the headquarters staff.  The Power of One Campaign is no exception.  Staff members in the Membership Department are now entering data into a new members’ record that will allow the Membership Committee to capture the name of the member who most influenced a new member to join.  Because of the large volume of MemCom1 applications in stock, we are continuing to ship the existing applications until the inventory is depleted.  However, these forms can be easily adapted to show the name and certificate number of the influencing member.  A member may simply add the data to the top of the form and indicate that it is Power of One information.  An updated MemCom1 application, which includes Power of One information, can be downloaded at

http://www.usps.org/national/membership/printable_forms.htm. A redesigned membership pocket application, which also includes Power of One information, is now available at headquarters.  The new membership applications also include member’s skills data that will be entered into a member’s record at headquarters.

      Headquarters is also focusing on the headquarters anniversary billing test that will begin in April 2004.  Members in districts 10, 15 and 16 will receive a different dues notice than members in other districts.  These members will be able to renew their dues using their credit card via the Internet or by mailing in their dues notice and check to headquarters.  Headquarters will retain the appropriate national dues and will remit the district assessment and squadron dues electronically to district and squadron bank accounts.

      Remember — our main focus at headquarters is providing excellent customer service.  Please do not hesitate to contact headquarters by calling 888-367-8777 if you have questions or concerns. 

by Mary Catherine Berube

Headquarters Director

Secretary’s Department Newsletter

Text Box: National Headquarters
 Raleigh, North Carolina

Volume 4,  Issue 1    January 2004