Annual Meeting

Rosen Ctr,  Orlando, FL

Spring GB

Hilton, Pittsburg, PA

Fall GB

Adams,  Jacksonville,  Fl

Annual Meeting

Rosen Ctr,  Orlando, FL

Spring GB

Adam’s Mark, Charlotte, NC

Fall GB

Hilton, Portland, Ore.

5—9 January

 19—23 May

15—19 January

8—12 September

 D/Lt/C Gloria Schulke, AP

Editor/Web Publisher

E-mail Contact

1-—5 June

6—11 September

4—8 January

Annual Meeting

Rosen Ctr. Orlando, FL




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Text Box: Historian Com 
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      Under the leadership of R/C Charles Sutter, AP, the Historians Committee had another banner year. Squadron history reports were at an all time high.        Our squadron history form 701-H has been incorporated into DB2000 by D/Lt/C Ken Guscott, JN. and is ready to use.  Our Historians Com webmaster D/Lt/C "Andy" Sausser, AP will keep our website updated with the latest information.

      R/C Sutter will remain on the Historians Committee and with his guidance the new leadership team of R/C Edward Bauer, SN and Stf/C Phyllis Millan, P and all our committee members look forward to 2004 being an outstanding year for the Historians Committee.

by R/C (elect) Edward Bauer, SN

Secretary’s Department Newsletter

      A new category “Dock Box Sale”  is now at the on-line Shipstore.  Prices are greatly reduced on discontinued and older items to make way for new inventory.  Limited Sizes, Colors, and Quantities are available at the on-line Shipstore!


      The past three years have seen many changes in our organization—and the committee has made many amendments to the Operations Manual to reflect this.  At our upcoming meeting in Orlando, the organization will once again go through a major restructuring with many committees changing departments.  This was announced in Reno and will be voted on by the membership at the Annual Meeting.  However, some of the announced changes have been given more thought and the committees will remain where they are—other committees that were not moving will now be moving.

      As you can see, the job of the OMCom is constantly to review the procedures and structure of our organization—making changes to the manual as necessary.  But that must be borne against the cost effectiveness of printing hard copy manuals or providing CD-ROMs—hard copies will be available when the organization structure is more stable.  Until that time you can download the latest information from our website.

      The members of the committee have worked hard to provide quick and reliable updates to the manual and I would like to thank them all for their efforts during these three years.  We have lost members due to ill health and they will be missed but others are now stepping up to the mark.  I wish incoming rear commander Pat Gagliano, AP the very best for her tenure as leader of this exciting committee.

by R/C Peter Mitchelson, SN

® 2003 United States Power Squadrons

Volume 4,  Issue 1    January 2004

Dock Box Mark Downs