The United States Power Squadrons®



Flag & Etiquette




Information Technology


Operations Manual




 Ship’s Store


The Ensign




Editor/Web Publisher


Copyright © 2003 –2005 by United States Power Squadrons. "THE ENSIGN," "United States Power Squadrons," "USPS," "America's Boating Club," "America's Boating Course," the ensign design, the ship's wheel and ensign design, the trident design, "The Squadron" design, "The Ensign" design, the "Boat Smart" name and design, and the "Jet Smart" name and design are all registered trademarks of United States Power Squadrons.

One of the department’s finest achievements was the development of software and procedures for a voluntary test of headquarters collection and anniversary billing of member dues (VHQAB).  The test began with three districts, and this next year it has been expanded to eighteen districts.  Mary Catherine Berube, Kathy Kesterson, Lena Padro from headquarters and R/C Robert Baldridge, N, Assistant National Secretary, R/C Ed Duda, AP, R/C Peter Mitchelson, SN and P/D/C John Bradley, SN are all to be congratulated for a task well done.


We have a Secretary’s Manual to help district and squadron secretaries perform their duties.   R/C Pat Gagliano, AP performed the initial work on the manual, with editing and formatting done by Betty Anderson and Louis Maassel, SN respectively, of the Publications Support committee.  A special thank you to all three for their fine efforts.


Many changes have taken place in the Information Technology arena.  First, the web site was moved to a commercial server that provides 24/7 support and maintains multiple high-speed access lines.  R/C Ed Duda was responsible for this upgrade.  Next, headquarters was upgraded to a high-speed communications link that allows for a faster response to customer needs, and more recently long distance and local telephone service have been combined with Internet service at a considerable savings in cost.  Wireless Internet access is also now available at headquarters.  Mary Catherine Berube, our headquarters director with support from Ed Duda, made this happen.  With the improved access, came the next logical step, that being the development of ‘real time’ roster downloads to districts and squadrons.   R/C Robert Baldridge wrote the software needed to perform this task and with the help of Ed Duda implemented it on the headquarters computer system.

Cont’d on next page

©  2003—2005 United States Power Squadrons


 In this issue:

It is hard to believe that three years have passed since I first assumed my current position.  In looking back it is apparent that the department has accomplished an incredible amount in support of USPS®.  It is my intent in this article to review the highlights and to thank those individuals principally responsible for those accomplishments.

Three Years in Review

Greetings from the

National Secretary


Power Byte—ITCom

