Text Box: 	IT is a service department. We interact with all the other HQ departments and with USPS® squadrons and members. It is never a dull place. We continually strive to know how every department functions. We design and maintain the data files and programs that enable every HQ department to access and use information. Changes in the way USPS does business and special requests, affect the IT department.  Sometimes a change is an opportunity for us to do something in a better way. At other times it means we work hard to solve an information-processing problem so that USPS members can have easier access to data.
	Our work is as varied as the different activities of USPS. On a given day we may be working with the Vessel Safety Check program, getting rosters out to squadrons and handling random exam issues. The information IT provides may be in the form of a printed report, a file attached to email, a computer screen for HQ staff, or data for the USPS web site. Our goal is to enable the HQ staff to provide timely and accurate information.
Kathy Kesterson
HQ Manager, Administrative Services

Secretary’s Department Newsletter

Volume 3,  Issue 1     May  2003

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    While at the New Orleans Governing Board meeting, stop by the Ship’s Store.  Shop early as some items sell out fast.  New items will be available.  Take advantage of the Auxiliary Advisory Committee’s National “Cookbook” “Presale” discounted price available in the Ship’s Store.  Shop on-line and take advantage of the May sales!


R/C Ed Duda, AP




Visit the ITCom Site


“Take advantage of the Auxiliary Advisory Committee’s


“Cookbook” Presale discounted price

 in the

Ship’s Store

Page 2

    When browsing the USPS Web site, check out the ITCom site.  A wealth of information awaits you.  The many Internet services provided by ITCom to USPS members are listed on the main page including methods of receiving technical support.  From the main page, you can go to a listing of the committee members and their projects, USPS Internet Policies, Services, and Support.

    “Services” listed include what you need to know about Web Site Hosting, Mailing Lists and Web Site Award Criteria. And if you want to check out Web site winners, you can find that, too.

    The “Support” area contains Bulletins, FAQS, Net Tools including useful internet software for download, and a vast list of References.

    This committee comprised of multi-talented committee members, chaired by R/C Ed Duda, AP, is constantly improving and updating our internet communications system.  Check it out!

Text Box: National Headquarters
 Raleigh, North Carolina
Text Box: May Sale

® 2003 United States Power Squadrons