Secretary’s Department Newsletter

Volume 3, Issue 1     May 2003

by R/C Joyce F. Shaw, AP  Ch The Ensign Com

Greetings to you from the 26 members of THE ENSIGN Committee and THE ENSIGN Staff!

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We would still like for squadrons and districts to help solicit ads for the magazine. Remember that squadrons retain a 10% commission for each ad sold every time it runs. What an easy way to earn extra money for worthwhile projects and squadron needs! We were in hopes that our year-long association with Alliance Publishers Representatives, a New York based agency, would yield increased ad sales, but thus far we have experienced limited success. Still, ad sales are increasing. We have picked up several placements from vendors who are advertising in the magazine as part of their contractual agreement to host lobby display tables at our national meetings. Total net ad sale collections are up for this first quarter time period 36.5% from 2001 and 6.25% from 2002.



PUBLICATION EDITORS: TEC is working with the Publications Committee to create an on-line listing of squadron and district publication editors. These important communicators are not listed in our National Directories. Both committees feel they would benefit from such a listing.



At the direction of OCom, TEC will help to coordinate a random sample readership survey for USPS® this fall. The University of South Carolina College of Journalism, under the direction of Professor Beth Dickey, will assist us with this project. Suggestions for questions to include on the survey may be sent to me at


MISSION STATEMENT: Members of TEC are working to develop a succinct mission statement for THE ENSIGN that includes the purpose, target audience and image we are trying to convey. Ideas are welcome.


Thank you for your continuing support of THE ENSIGN.

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® 2003 United States Power Squadrons