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The Information Technology Committee, better known as the ITCom, has a slogan, “Dissemination of information is the key to the success of any program”, and the products developed for USPS have accomplished that ideal.


      The committee is under the guidance of R/C Angelo Giorvanniello, SN, chair and Sft/C Wayne Spivak, JN, assistant chair. The ITCom pioneered the involvement of USPS in the Internet.  Today the list of available features on the Web is most  impressive squadron  and district web pages, mailing lists, e-mail, national departments, news, software and the PowerByte publication to name a few.


      The recognized achievement to improve the big picture in USPS was the installation of the AS/400 mainframe at headquarters which united squadrons and districts throughout the nation using DB2000.  This program includes Merit Mark (MM) and the Biographical Data Upload (BDU).  Squadrons and districts have the ability to download their rosters and also to upload specific entries pertaining to individual members.  This service is available seven days per week, 24-hours per day.


      The response in creating district and squadron web sites has been overwhelming, and 17 districts and 72 squadrons became winners of the Website Excellence Award in the year 2000.

On the historian committee web site can be found the Historian Report Form. Having this form available on the Internet will make submitting history information to headquarters faster and easier.  Squadrons and districts are encouraged to use the electronic form.  In addition, the form is being distributed on floppy disks. 


      In 1999 there were 193 history reports sent to headquarters for filing; however, during 2000 more than 200 reports have already been sent to headquarters in Raleigh. It is important that all squadrons and districts compile their history for when this important data is lost, it can never be retrieved.


      The historian committee’s web site has been revised and updated and features the historical print showing the beginning of USPS in Marblehead Harbor during  1914.  All members  should visit the site.  R/C Charles Sutter, AP and Stf/C Edward Bauer, SN spearhead this important committee.


Find the BEST match!  Your score______

A. National Headquarters

1. The official magazine of USPS

B. Historian Committee

2. The “How-to-do” reference book

C. Information Technology Committee

3. Supplier of USPS items

D. Operations Manual Committee

4. Keeper of USPS Memorabilia

E. Publications Committee

5. Support of electronic equipment

F. Ship’s Store

6.  The hub of USPS data


7. Communication among members

The headquarters in Raleigh has continuous and busy schedules all year long.  Each seems to have a different agenda and focus in addition to the everyday operations of a professional office with several identified departments. Mary Catherine Berube, administration director, is supported by willing and efficient co-workers.  Employees, each with a personal e-mail address, have one or more assignments and handle the tasks in a productive manner and with expertise.


      Daily there are routine phone calls, mail to sort and answer, faxes and e-mails with requests, bills to send, orders to fill and special assignments.  Actually thousands of communications are handled each week.  In addition, certain months mean special activities.  In the month of July processing membership for the new year takes center stage.  In August preparations for the Fall Governing Board in Little Rock are completed. The submission of merit mark recommendations follows.  And this busy schedule goes on and on!

The membership, and especially the members in the secretary’s department, are proud of the accomplishments of the dedicated and hard-working headquarters staff serving USPS on a daily basis.








Secretary's Department Newsletter