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The Ensign Committee is committed to creating the best magazine that gives knowledge and enjoyment, not only to the membership but also to the recreational boating population.  The chairs of this committee are R/C Joyce Shaw, AP and Sft/C Ina Fay Zitter, JN.  Within the committee there are many qualified individuals - feature writers, reporters, artists, consultants, district and squadron correspondents. The professional staff at headquarters, responsible for editing and publishing the official magazine of USPS, consists of an editor, an associate editor, an art director and an administrative assistant. 


      These groups and individuals team together to obtain articles, materials and photographs producing the most informative magazine that reflects the mission and values of the organization.  The contents may include officers’ reports,  notices to members, actions of the Governing Board and department committee announcements.


      At present the effort to obtain more advertising for the magazine is of prime importance.  An ad may be as small as a business card, as big as a full page or just a section of a page.  Yes, an ad is beneficial to both the person or company that advertises and the magazine whose circulation sends the ad to countless readers.

R/C Robert Bair, AP and Stf/C William Reasons, SN serve as chair and assistant chair of the Publications Committee respectfully.  The committee is charged with assisting editors in improving the quality of USPS newsletters and maintaining a communication exchange among the squadrons and district editors.


      Big plans for the coming year are being developed within the committee.. The success of the guidelines prepared for the editors (available as a PowerPoint Presentation) has promoted the creation of a new guidebook entitled “How To Conduct Seminars and Workshops at District Conferences”.  This should be a new and exciting addition to any conference agenda.


      Also a new logo for award-winning newsletters will be designed and available for the 2001winners.  Remember, in order to be considered for this award a squadron must submit four copies of the squadron newsletter and a district must submit two copies of the district newsletter to the assigned evaluators.    Awards will be announced at the next annual meeting.


      Editors will discover a wealth of materials on the committee’s web site.






The Operations Manual Committee Leaders are R/C Peter Mitchelson, SN and Stf/C Patricia Gagliano, AP. The complete 2001 Operations Manual, now available on the internet, can be viewed or downloaded as a complete document or in designated sections. This format is similar to the former publication with the familiar twenty-two chapters. All of the material, especially the USPS History, has been updated and is as current/correct as possible.


      In addition, there are several added features—the appendices have been expanded and now contain eleven sections, some with multiple parts.  Provided in detail are the  policies of USPS, lists of manuals and publications, a description of the national funds and an outline of available forms and special dates. Of special interest will be the Tailor’s Guide, a pull-out section, that describes all of the uniforms and includes illustrations showing the placement of insignia, stripes and pins. An added appendix is an outline of the Canadian Power and Sail Squadrons which reviews the similarities and differences between USPS and CPS. These new appendices were included in the Manual after requests from many of the members.


      The Operations Manual has been called the “toolbox” for USPS and it contains the answers to many questions you may have about the organization.

Remember: Each committee in the Secretary’s Department has a web site available at


Secretary's Department Newsletter