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·          That your laptop computer can become a GPS receiver, so reports P/C Dan Bartell, N, a member of the ITCom?  This portable navigational tool allows one to download software to the laptop and customize it to special requirements.  On route use the GPS feature to manage itinerary changes, track progress, show latitude/longitude, heading and speed.  Just “plug and play”, and take the hassle out of everyday travel.

·          That in addition to usual table display at the national Governing Board meeting in Little Rock, The Ensign Committee plans to reproduce and distribute 100 copies of the new USPS Screensaver CD?  Be one of the lucky ones; attend the meeting and pick up your screensaver!

·          That the Publications Committee has a membership of 20 members?  Each member has had experience in writing, publishing or has served as an editor of a newsletter?  On the committee each serves in many capacities–as a helper, evaluator, teacher, advisor but most of all as a friend to the district and squadron newsletter editors.  Working together they produce better and more interesting newsletters!!

·          That after each national meeting (the two Governing Board Meetings and the Annual Meeting) the Operations Manual is updated to reflect the actions of that meeting?  It usually means a change in the national bylaws, deletions, corrections or additions to specific sections of the manual.  One action by the membership might mean three or four changes in the Manual.  There is always the attempt to keep OM accurate and current.

·          That the historical printing (85th Anniversary) by marine artist Donald W. Demers, now is displayed at National Headquarters in Raleigh?   However, USPS members continue to have the opportunity to purchase a signed print.  Only 2000 of these prints showing the 1915 scene in Marlbehead Harbor, the birthplace of USPS, were made available. The print shows  several Naval vessels and the yacht Elizabeth that belonged to founder C/C Roger Upton. What a keepsake!  Consider purchasing one for your home, office or the squadron building.

·          That the sale of merchandise at the Ship’s Store has increased to unbelievable totals?  This positive report is due to the committee’s hard work in securing new and popular inventory, the new printed catalogue, availability of the district conference packages, and the “crew” who man the sale’s tables during all of the national meetings.  Hats off to the success of this worthwhile and beneficial endeavor.

·          That plans are now underway to remodel the Memorial Library at headquarters? The design calls for 11 alcoves where  memorabilia (books, photos and artifacts) will be displayed depicting the history and development of USPS. The wealth of historical materials will no doubt be an inspiration to each and every visitor.

Did You Know??

Do you have these helpful software programs?

Download them - they are free!


A—6 B—4 C—5 D—2 E—6 F—3 G—1


Thanks to 

Rear Commanders for providing information & articles,

P/R/C Anne Hall, SN for acting as editor,

R/C Peter Mitchelson, SN for getting it out there

V/C Ernest G. Marshburn, SN,  a North Carolina native, works as director of strategic initiatives at East Carolina University (ECU). He has been a member of Tar River Squadron for over 15 years, serving as AO, XO and CDR.

After moving up the District 27 Bridge (serving  as Secretary, AO, XO and CDR) Ernie spent 3 years as Assistant National Secretary before accepting his current position in 1999.

      Like her husband, P/C Dianne Marshburn, AP has been very active at all levels of USPS and  also served as AO, XO & CDR of Tar River Squadron.

      Ernie is an avid sailor and introduced Dianne to the sport when both were ECU undergraduates.

      As if USPS and fulltime occupations did not take up enough of their time, both Ernie & Dianne do extensive volunteer work in their community.


Text Box: Look for the next issue after the upcoming Fall Governing Board in Little Rock.