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      There are two months left before the end of the Distinction in Journalism Award, October 31st.  We want to encourage all squadron and district editors to make sure they have sent the prescribed number of issues to their advisers for review.  If you are not sure who your adviser is, they can be found at  Click on committees and scroll down to the Publication Committee.  The menus will take you to the evaluator page.  A special reminder to the Provisional Squadrons; you are also eligible to participate in this award if you have published the required number of issues.  Last year we had over 300 squadron and district awards.  This year, we would like for the number to be much higher.

      I am unable attend the Governing Board meeting in Reno, however Stf/C Anne Schreitmueller, JN has everything under control and will have plenty to say at the open meeting.  Make plans to attend.

      The Publications Committee for the past three years has watched many changes take place with the squadrons efforts in communication with its members.  We have met the challenge of reviewing newsletters by hard copy, sent by e-mail or posted to a web site.  We still hold to the premise of not how flashy your newsletter is, but how well it states your goal for information.  Keep up the good work.  If you have any questions or problems, do not hesitate to get in touch with your adviser, our assistant chairman or myself.

By:   R/C Bill Reasons, SN

Text Box: National Headquarters
 Raleigh, North Carolina
Text Box: 	THE ENSIGN has recently added a part-time copy editor to its staff. THE ENSIGN’s new copy editor, Kelly Anderson, is a master’s candidate and Park Fellow at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s School of Journalism and Mass Communication. 
	Anderson, who hails from Greensboro, N.C., says her part-time schedule gives her time to work on her master’s thesis.
	Anderson, who has already learned a lot about boating and is delighted to be a part of such a friendly organization, says, “I was pleasantly surprised to receive several e-mails welcoming me to USPS® before I even started to work here.”
	In other news, THE ENSIGN staff continues to redesign the magazine’s Web site and hopes to launch the revised site this fall. The new URL will be The new site features improved graphics, additional content and links to important USPS information. When the site debuts, please take a moment to browse it and offer your feedback.
	THE ENSIGN is your magazine, and the staff strives to make the magazine a valuable benefit to all USPS  members. If you have any suggestions or concerns about the magazine, please feel free to contact THE ENSIGN staff or THE ENSIGN Committee. We welcome the opportunity to work with you. For more information about submitting articles or photographs for publication, call (888) 367-8777 or e-mail and request our Guidelines for Submission brochure.

by Yvonne Hill, 

® 2003 United States Power Squadrons

Secretary’s Department Newsletter

“There are only two months left”

31 October


deadline for

Distinction in Journalism Award.  Make sure your issues are sent to your advisor  for


Volume 3,  Issue 3    August 2003

Publications Com

R/C Bill Reasons, SN


Headquarters Director

Mary Catherine Berube