Text Box: Well, of course, the short answer is: anything the Secretary wants him to do.  The Assistant National Secretary does what he can to assist the Secretary to fulfill his duties.
The National Secretary has a lot on his plate.  A Bridge Officer and Operating Committee member, the Secretary is required to attend a multitude of meetings, National, District, OCom, and Canadian Power Squadron.  Further, the National Secretary is responsible for the operation of Headquarters, the set up for national and OCom meetings and the distribution of minutes, rosters, and directories.  Add to this oversight of the six committees in the Secretary’s Department, and it quickly becomes clear that V/C Frank Dvorak, SN can’t be everywhere at once.
V/C Dvorak has (foolishly?) entrusted me with several duties.  Since he is often tied up with OCom,  I attend the meetings of the departmental committees and work with the members to set and achieve their goals.  I handle inter-committee and inter-departmental communications and generally do what I can to keep things moving forward.  I also represent Frank on ad hoc committees or teams that are formed to Text Box: handle specific issues like privacy rules and educational issues.
Additionally, I coordinate the Secretary’s Department duties to set up for the Governing Board and Annual Meetings.  This entails joining Secretary Department personnel in the meeting room at O’ Dark Thirty to set out seat packets, test microphones, set up cameras, and arrange name plates.  During the meeting, I’m joined by Aide P/C Robert D. Holub, SN, for the all important job of counting attendance slips.  Please pass yours to the outer aisles for pick up.
Between meetings I help with administrative matters like maintaining the departmental roster and email list.  This is harder than it sounds.  I’ve never printed a roster that wasn’t out of date the moment the laserjet let it go; and folks are always subscribing to the email list with cryptic addresses and no recognizable name.
It’s all enjoyable, but by far, the most fun thing I do is visit with the committees.  The Secretary’s Department is full of motivated hard chargers who do what it takes to get the job done.  This is a great organization and I’m honored to be a member. 
By R/C Robert A. Baldridge, N  l
Text Box: 	Preliminary "Web Awards" evaluations are moving forward as scheduled.  The initial evaluation for compliance was completed; 94 sites received notices of "non-compliance" and to date, 54 have updated their pages.  Currently the evaluation by a non-USPS member and professional webmaster is taking place, and is expected to be complete prior to Des Moines.  Starting in September the final stage will be conducted by the USPS evaluation committee members.
	The HQ network was updated to a high-speed connection in late July.  Also, we successfully tested the function to interact directly with the AS400 for roster requests.
	The Closed Meeting in Des Moines will be targeted at recruiting new committee members for the 2003 Watch.  The Open Meeting will be primarily devoted to question and answer sessions from members, followed by a "break-out" of the committee members present to talk one-on-one with members interested in a specific topic. 
By R/C Ed Duda, AP l  
Text Box:     What does the Assistant National Secretary do anyway?

Secretary’s Department Newsletter

Text Box:  
Asst Secretary
 R/C Robert A. Baldridge, N
Text Box: “The Secretary’s Department is full of motivated hard chargers who do what it takes to get the job done.”

Volume 2,  Issue 1     September 2002

©  2002 United States Power Squadrons

Information Technology


R/C Ed Duda, AP




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