Text Box: National Headquarters
 Raleigh, North Carolina
Text Box: The most significant impact on headquarters during 2002 is handling the administrative logistics for America’s Boating Coursesm (ABC).  Headquarters is responsible for answering phone calls for ABC, and a separate phone line was installed to enable us to identify callers.  Our customer service center reports that they answer an average of 10 to 15 calls per month pertaining to ABC.   Most callers are inquiring how they can purchase ABC, and we refer them to the online Web site if they have Internet capabilities.
Headquarters receives Internet orders from the ABC Web site via e-mail.  We are currently averaging 15 orders per day.  When a customer purchases ABC online they also receive a manual and CD-Rom.  Headquarters fills all Internet and retail sales orders.  We have shipped more than 1,200 ABC manuals via Internet sales this year and have filled one retail order from Boat America for 750 manuals.
USPS also owns copies of ABC that are sold to squadrons.  Squadrons have ordered 1,021 copies from 1 December 2001 through 31 July 2002.
Individuals may contact America’s Boating Course at (866) 262-8222 (BOAT-ABC) or on the Internet at www.americasboatingcourse.com.       By Mary Catherine Berube l
Text Box: members.  Has this changed the way you format your newsletters?  Do you have more or less graphics?  Any complaints as far as downloading time?  These are some of the issues we would like for you to share with us.
	If you will not be in Des Moines, but would like to share your newsletters with others around the country, please send 30-40 copies to the address below.  The copies do not have to be the same issue.
	Send newsletters to Des Moines Marriott, 700 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA   50309; and mark “Hold for William E. Reasons USPS Meeting 11-15 September, 2002.”  Your copies should be mailed to arrive by 6 September.  See you in Des Moines.        
			By R/C Bill Reasons, SN   l
Text Box: 	The Publications committee is approaching the end of the current newsletter evaluation year.  All editors are encouraged to have their required copies of the newsletter to their advisors by the mid part of September.  For the squadrons, this is a copy of 4 separate issues, and for districts, 2 copies.
	All advisors are listed on the Publications' web site.  If you have any problems, please notify the R/C of Publications
.	We are planning an exchange forum at our open meeting in Des Moines.  We are interested in your successes or failures in the distribution of your newsletter by the electronic format, either Web site posting or e-mail.  How do you get your copies to non computer

“More Information can be found on the Operations Manual Website”


Secretary’s Department Newsletter

Volume 2, Issue 1     September 2002

©  2002 United States Power Squadrons

“We are planning

 an exchange forum

at our open meeting

 in Des Moines.” 

      The Operations Manual, revised to cover bylaw changes to 18 May 2002, will shortly be available from Headquarters.  The CD will contain the following:

      l  Adobe Acrobat pdf version of the manual (complete)

      l  Adobe Acrobat pdf version of the manual (individual chapters)

      l  Adobe Acrobat Reader

      Work is progressing to make the manual available in other formats. 

                                By R/C Peter Mitchelson, SN   l

Operations Manual Available on CD


R/C Peter Mitchelson, SN



 R/C Bill Reasons, SN



Text Box:  Headquarters Director
Mary Catherine Berube

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