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Inflatable Life Jackets have shipped to all Squadrons in USPS



The Inflatable Life Jackets purchased for us in 2008 by the US Coast Guard, were shipped from the USPS headquarters on Tuesday September 2, 2008. The jackets were shipped to Squadron Commanders/Squadron Education Officers of record at that time.

The "Wear It" Inflatable Life Jacket emphasis program was first announced in February 2008 and is restated below.


We are most appreciative of the time, effort and money our Coast guard friends and partners contributed so we could participate in the "Wear It" program promoting the wearing of life jackets whenever boating. Thank you USCG !


Special Note: These Inflatable Life Jackets are government property and must be accounted for annually. Initially they were accounted for to individuals by name and quantity (VSC-4 Form.) However, we do not need that level of detail to comply with the Coast Guard reporting requirements so we have provided a simple form (VSC-5), including an e-mail address or postal mailing address. The links to these forms are posted below. Thank you all.


Keep on saving lives out there and be a USPS Ambassador to all boaters.



Boating Is Fun, Let Us Show You How

Stf/C Lee R. Chasse
VSC Program Chair

Tracking and Reporting Forms

VSC-4 Inflatable Life Jacket Internal Loaner Tracking Spreadsheet (Original)

VSC-5 Annual Inflatble Life Jacket Inventory Assistant

Coast Guard to Emphasize Life Jacket Wear

A key outcome of the Coast Guard's Recreational Boating Safety program is to reduce loss of life on the water. A major component of that program is to reduce loss of life on the water. Another major component of that program is to convince boaters to wear their life jackets while on the water. Various media campaigns have been utilized in the past without a major shift in the desired outcome.

A Vessel Safety Check (VSC) provides the vessel examiner an opportunity to educate the boater on the value and importance of life jacket wear. During the VSC, the criteria for selecting sizing and inspection of life jackets is reviewed and demonstrated to the boater.

Public education courses are another venue to demonstrate the variety of life jackets available. Of paramount interest is the inflatable ife jacket which offers the boater a comfortable and reliable life saving option.

Public affairs activities, such as safety exhibits at boat shows, provide another venue to illustrate to the public the variety of life jackets available in the market place.

The Coast Guard's Office of Auxiliary and Boating Safety firmly believes that our Vessel Examiners ( VE's ) public educators and public affairs representatives should be role models for life jacket wear and are encouraging them to wear their inflatable life jackets during vessel safety checks, public education classes, and public affair events. As an incentive for demonstrating the "right behavior" on and around the water, inflatable life jackets branded with the "Wear It" logo will be made available (on a loaner basis) to each Flotilla and Squadron.

Inflatible Life Jackets have been distributed to local units of both US Coast Guard Flotillas and USPS Squadrons which will be responsible for the custody, maintenance and utilization of this equipment and annual reporting of the local inventory through respective chain of command to the Office of Auxiliary and Boating Safety, Program Operations Branch (CG-54222). The expectation is that they will be leveraged to provide the maximum possible exposure to support the wearing of life jackets.

Peter Urgola                                                                          Lee R. Chasse, AP
USCG Auxiliary                                                                   US Power Squadrons
Chief, Vessel Examination Dept.                                          VSC Program Chair


Be A Role Model - Wear It !

*Form revised for clarity 03-25-2012

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