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The Dismal Swamp Cruise - Memorial Day Weekend 2004

The Dismal Swamp Cruise
Story by Lt/C Phillip A. Benson, S
RMPS Memorial Day Cruise
The Dismal Swamp
Poem by 1/Lt Lorraine B. Ryan, S

The Dismal Swamp Cruise

Lt/C Phillip A. Benson, S

RMPS Participants

The fleet prepares to lock through

Day 1

The WayJen launched at Sawyer Creek early to get a head start. Since top speed with a good wind and current is about 10 knots, she needed an early start to make the lock at South Mills in time. The Yes Dear and Sallbe launched at approximately 0800 and traveled up the Pasquotank River at a speed that would soon catch the WayJen.  The Liberty launched sometime later and made good speed as all four boats rafted up to wait on the lock at South Mills to open. After passing through the lock and the associated bridge, we entered the Dismal Swamp Canal at a leisurely 6 knots. We soon accelerated to nearly 9 knots to stay ahead of a couple sailboats that were also attempting to make the Deep Creek Lock at the next opening.  We briefly stopped at the Welcome Center, where they were encouraging everyone to sign a petition to keep the Dismal Swamp Route open.  After passing through the Deep Creek Lock and bridge we traveled through the Southern Branch Elizabeth River. The main part of the Elizabeth River took us to the Tidewater Yacht Club in Portsmouth, where we docked for the night. Note the WayJen (the slowest boat in the fleet) had been stopped by a police boat due to its high rate of speed and was warned to slow down. The Sallbe was stopped by a Navy boat and told they couldn’t take pictures in the area.

Day 2

While the WayJen got an early start the Liberty took a tour on its own. The Yes Dear and Sallbe took a cruise up the Elizabeth River to the James River past the Naval Base in Norfolk. We observed several British ships, 3 carriers, and one sub at the docks. After crossing into the Chesapeake Bay we turned around and headed back to the Elizabeth River. Instead of turning to Deep Creek, we continued on to the Great Bridge Lock and Bridge. We only had to wait a few minutes before it opened and we were on our way again, down the Albemarle and Chesapeake Canal to the North Landing River, the Currituck Sound, and Coinjock Bay. We stayed at Midway Marina where we were joined by the Turn-a-Gain. We had 5 boats stay that night and all 15 of us had a great dinner at Crabbies.

Way Jen locking through

Turn-a-Gain before Nelson's mishap

Day 3

Early Monday morning Nelson Gainey was making an early trip to the showers, when he fell at the marina steps. The fall resulted in a broken leg and he and Ondra were transported to the Elizabeth City Hospital in an ambulance. A family member took them back to Rocky Mount. Scott and Janice Turner were left to fend with the Turn-a-Gain on their own. After a VSC was performed on the Turn-a-Gain by Cdr Payne, the Turners headed back to Jordan Creek. We understand they had a rough time crossing the Albemarle Sound and spent the night at a marina near the mouth of the Alligator River. They completed the return to Jordan Creek safely the next day. We pray for Nelson’s speedy recovery. 

The rest of us left Midway soon thereafter, down the North River and into the Albemarle Sound. We made our way back up the Pasquotank River, passing the dirigible factory and the Coast Guard Station. A blimp was on the runway, but it was too far away to read the lettering on it. We stopped at Elizabeth City for a picnic lunch and learned that Nelson had already left the hospital and was on his way home. We soon found our way back to Sawyer Creek where we found a rather busy launch ramp.  With a little patience we managed to get our boats back on their trailers and headed home.

Back to Top The Dismal Swamp Cruise
Story by Lt/C Phillip A. Benson, S
RMPS Memorial Day Cruise
The Dismal Swamp
Poem by 1/Lt Lorraine B. Ryan, S

RMPS Memorial Day Cruise –
The Dismal Swamp

1/Lt Lorraine B. Ryan, S

The Rocky Mount Power Squadron set out on a 3 day cruise
Good friends, fine food and a little bit of booze

Four boats left in the sun from Camden on Saturday morn
Headed for Portsmouth & Norfolk thru the Dismal Swamp without nary a storm

Our fearless Commodore Chris sailed with Cathy his wife
Leading our group through sun, wind, drizzle, and also some strife

WayJen, Sallbe, Liberty, and Yes Dear started out
Turn-a-Gain to join us in Coinjock but later they had to turn about

We saw cranes and snakes and flora throughout the ditch
But several said, “Never again will I take this trip”

WayJen with Wayne and Jen on board, our slowest boat and also our smallest
First got stopped by the Wildlife Patrol for speeding which really floored us

Then on the return trip, but this time they were stopped by the Coast Guard
For a Safety Check they said but their engine they marred

In Norfolk a Navy Patrol boat stopped Sallbe for taking some pix
“I was snapping the cruise ship “ Betsy said with some lip

Ryan was great crew on Phil’s boat, Sallbe
He towed the lines, moored the boat, and the pilings he fended 

The speed demon of the group was the Liberty boat
With Kendall and Kaye at the helm, they stayed quite afloat

Tidewater Yacht was our marina in Portsmouth, we liked it a lot
Never crossed over to Norfolk, we were able to hear the loud music, it was hot

We cruised up the broad James River to view the naval shipyard
No pictures were taken this time, there were too many Navy patrol boat guards

We even went up into the beautiful Chesapeake Bay
So that Phil and Sally could have bragging rights to say they made it this way

The sailors met us in Coinjock and all 15 of us ate at Crabby’s
Then asleep on our boats except Lorraine in a tent, this time she wasn’t gabby

Tragedy struck Sunday just after dawn
When Nelson slipped at the marina and broke a few bones

Off to Elizabeth City with Ondra to cast his knee, ankle and foot
While Scott and Janice sailed back to Jordan Creek, their time they took

We hope that next year more will join us on this eventful trip
An annual affair that proved to be rather hip

All of our boats and crew made it back safe and sound to their homes
To cruise another day on the Carolina waters where we all love to roam

Time to cast off.
All ashore who’s going ashore.
P/C Nelson Gainey, P, 
bravely waves as he is carried off to the hospital.
Lorraine relaxes in her tent.
Back to Top The Dismal Swamp Cruise
Story by Lt/C Phillip A. Benson, S
RMPS Memorial Day Cruise
The Dismal Swamp
Poem by 1/Lt Lorraine B. Ryan, S
Back to Cruises

Page updated 06 June 2007.


Please send comments to P/C James F. Dugan III, SN, Webmaster, at:  rmps@duganotero.com

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