Squadron Activities
The ARRL and the United States Power Squadrons (USPS), a national boating and educational organization, formally ratified a memorandum of understanding (MOU) on June 4, 2005 The MOU spells out areas where the two organizations can work together in educational activities of overlapping or mutual interest to their respective memberships.
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Radio Supply (AES) Superfest
Milwaukee, WI
April 9-10, 2010
The display booth at the 2010 Superfest
Mike Wiedel, KB9QMH represented the USPS ARC at the Annual Amateur Electronics Supply Superfest in Milwaukee Wisconsin on April 9th and 10th. Attended by Amateur radio operators from around the midwest, Mike had an opportunity to promote USPS boating safety programs and the USPS ARC.
The Marine Amateur Radio learning guide is on the shelves at both USPS headquarters and your favorite marine dealers. Look for it as you consider the advantages of having ham radio aboard you boat.
Please check the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS page if you wish further information about the Amateur Radio program.
The USPS-CPS Amateur Radio Directory is available to USPS members via the following link:
USPS Member Amateur Radio Directory
If you are looking for more information about Amateur Radio check the link below.
A Resource Guide for Ham Radio
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2008 Dayton HamVention
Manning the 2008 booth were
(l-r) Katie Breen (ARRL), Carlton Lee, Bob Schober,
Marjie Stark, Ed Summers, and Don Stark
Marjie, Carlton and Ed show the USPS material to visiting ham |
The USPS again participated with ARRL at the ARRL Expo at the Dayton HamVention (in Dayton, Ohio) on 16-18 May 2008. Some of us arrived on Thursday, 15 May, to set up our display that afternoon. As you probably know, this is a huge show. It takes a dedicated team to man a booth for three days.