United States Power Squadron
United States
Power Squadron



of Events

The Bridge
Port Captains

Vessel Safety
Check Program

The Gulf Breeze

District 21

The Corpus Christi Sail and Power Squadron

Calendar of Events

Date to be Announced

Executive Board Meeting At the Marina Boater's Facility located on the Peoples Street T-Head at 1830

Date to be Announced

ABC Public Boating Course At the Marina Boater's Facility located on the Peoples Street T-Head. If you are interested in teaching part of the course, please contact Robert Weber, 361-758-8964 or Frank Vogelsang, 361-758-0885

Date to be announced

Teaching Recertification /Operations Training An Instructor Recertification class is needed for instructors whose certification is due to expire and an Operations Training course is needed for new members.

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