The Fort Myers Power Squadron (FMPS) is a unit of the United States Power Squadrons® Sail and Power Boating (USPS®), a private, non-profit, non-governmental and non-military organization.
The Fort Myers Power Squadron, chartered in 1954, is located in Fort Myers on the south-west coast of Florida. We are associated with District 22 which covers the west coast of Florida. Although our main function is to educate boaters, we pride ourselves on our civic activities, social activities and member camaraderie.
Our civic activities include participation in the Coop Charting program and performing Boat Safety Checks in cooperation with the United States Coast Guard.
We offer NASBLA approved public boating class regularly throughout the year. To register for our upcoming public boating classes, visit our Public Boating Safety Classes page
Our clubhouse is located at 3145 Royalston Ave., Fort Myers, Florida. The first Thursday of each month, a catered dinner is prepared for the members at our clubhouse. Guests of members are also welcomed. We also teach most of our boating courses at our clubhouse.
United States Power Squadrons it having their 100th Anniversary. For more information on this exciting event visit USPS 100th Anniversary
For camaraderie, we have monthly Cruises to Lunch, monthly overnight Cruises, and other social events. To learn more about our social activities and member camaraderie, visit our Social Activities Boating Activities, and Auxiliary pages.
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