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Cooperative charting
Cooperative charting is a joint effort between the United States Power Squadrons® and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. NOAA is responsible for the production of up to date charts used by commercial shipping and recreational boaters. The combination of an enormous US coastline, constant coastal feature changes due to wind, tide and man and federal cost cutting makes the publication of current, accurate charts difficult at best.

USPS and Raleigh Sail & Power Squadron assists in this effort by training it's members in the skills necessary to read charts accurately and compare existing charts to real features found on the North Carolina coast, sounds and rivers. Corrections to charts such as water depth, bridge heights, buoy location and man made features are reported to NOAA by squadron members during routine boating and specially designed cooperative charting cruises.

RSPS participates in NOAA's Adopt-a-Chart program. This involves becoming very familiar with "our" chart, #11545, and making frequent checks for changes. It's another good excuse to go boating.

The Cooperative Charting program also includes similar activities for aeronautical charts and for geodetic marker reporting. Estimates on the cost savings to the US government range in the millions of dollars every year.


North Carolina Big Sweep the award-winning 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that conducts year-round education for litter-free watersheds and coordinates The 2004 North Carolina Big Sweep, the North Carolina component of the International Coastal Cleanup and an event in which volunteers from all across North Carolina -- and approximately 90 countries -- come together to clean up our rivers, lakes, and ocean.

A Vessel Safety Check is a courtesy examination of your boat (Vessel) to verify the presence and condition of certain Safety Equipment required by State and the Federal regulations. The Vessel Examiner is a trained specialist and is a member of the United States Power Squadrons® or the US Coast Guard Auxiliary. They will also make certain recommendations and discuss certain safety issues that will make you a safer boater.

Vessel Safety Check - RSPS' goal is for each member to get their boat inspected every year.   To get your sticker today call or email