Obtain application package from the Auxiliary Advisory Committee.
The Squadron Commander calls a meeting of the Executive Committee with
officers of the Auxiliary.
The Squadron Commander explains the contents of the "Squadron
Letter" and the Auxiliary Model Bylaws dated January 1999.
The Squadron Commander points out the "Objectives, Restrictions and
Definitions" contained in the Model Bylaws.
The Squadron Commander then leads a discussion to make the decisions
described in the first paragraph of the "Squadron Letter".
The Squadron Commander then calls for a vote. If there is an affirmative
vote he directs the Squadron Secretary to send a letter to the Chairman
of the Auxiliary Advisory Committee using the exact wording as in the form
"Squadron Letter".
The Chairman, Aux/Adv/Com, will process the application and if all is
in order, will send a "Letter of Approval" to the Commander who may present
it to the Auxiliary. This letter is to be kept in a safe, but accessible,
place for future reference. If the application is not in proper form the
Squadron Commander will be so notified with explanations of corrections
If the Squadron Commander does not receive the "Letter of Approval"
within (90) days he/she should contact the Chairman, Aux/Adv/Com again
to ascertain that the original application was received.