USPS Vision
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USPS Vision Statement

For many, a "Vision Statement" summarizes the hopes and dreams members have for an organization looking into the future. As such, it transcends strategic and tactical thinking and becomes direction. The current USPS Vision Statement describes what we want to be through the year 2013. To get there will require planning, change and members who agree "to get it done." Meanwhile, visions change and new statements will come along…it's the essence of long range planning!

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USPS Vision Statement


"USPS will be a leading provider of recreational boating education on and off the water. Boaters will seek USPS to increase their boating knowledge, skills, and enjoyment."

A Glimpse Into The Future

As participation in boating continues, USPS intends to maintain its lead as the nation's advocate for skilled seamanship afloat. Our waterways are becoming crowded and the number of less than adequately trained skippers is increasing at substantial rates. Our intent is to develop alternative means of bringing exceptional boater education to the public.

Over the next five years USPS intends to increase its member ranks by offering more boating activities designed for both the fresh skipper as well as the highly experienced world voyager. It will be a paradigm of training those who will themselves train others. It is a program of an ever-expanding corps of experienced and competent boaters that will lead ultimately to major reductions in accidents and property losses, to say nothing of the lives to be saved.

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