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“ Look for

 a new look

at the

Spring GB




Headquarters Director

Mary Catherine Berube

Secretary’s Department Newsletter

Text Box: National Headquarters
 Raleigh, North Carolina

Volume 4,  Issue 2    May 2004

® 2003 - 2004 United States Power Squadrons

Secretary’s Department Newsletter

             Look for a new look at the Spring Governing Board Parade of Publications as we introduce an educational, informative focus to the display. While we will continue to have tables full of squadron and district newsletters, we will be adding an informative display to help editors and publication chairmen in the preparation of their publications.  We hope this new component helps you produce quality USPS® publications.


             The lack of an address for sending newsletters to the Governing Board usually published in The ENSIGN® was not an oversight.  The increasing costs of postage and the handling fees accessed by the hotels for accepting packages were making this a very expensive way of exhibiting a squadron publication. We are encouraging editors to give their publications to someone in their district to deliver to the Parade of Publications.  (It has been interesting to note how many editors have inquired about this missing information. It shows they DO read The ENSIGN.


             In May, we will be adding two new advisors to the Publications Committee.  We welcome Clare Cox and Cheryl Jarrell. The editors in the districts affected will be notified where to send their publications as soon as assignments are finalized.


             If you are in Pittsburgh, stop by the Parade of Publications and say hello. Our open meeting on Friday in the LeBateau room from 0950 to 1045 will address Styles and Standards for USPS publications.


R/C Anne Schreitmueller, JN  Chairman  Publications Committee

             How is an order processed at headquarters?  How long does it typically take to process an order?  It does not matter if an order is for educational materials, exams or Ship’s Store items, because all orders are processed in the same method.


             Orders are received at headquarters via mail, fax or by e-mail, and they are processed based on the date of the receipt of the order.  A staff member who works in the headquarters’ educational department keys in an order, which produces a packing list for the warehouse.  The average time for producing a packing list is three business days from the receipt of the order.


             There are two employees who work in the warehouse who fill orders and a warehouse manager who manages the inventory.  A warehouse staff member fills an order and determines the best method of shipment, unless the order specifies special handling, such as overnight or 2nd day air shipping. The average time for shipping an order is three-to-four business days.


             It is our goal to process orders as efficiently and as timely as possible.  Please do not hesitate to call headquarters at 1-888-367-8777 if you have any questions.


 Mary Catherine Berube

 Headquarters Director

 Chm Publications Com


R/C Anne Schreitmueller, JN