The United States Power Squadrons®







©  2003—2004 United States Power Squadrons


 In this issue:

Copyright © 2003 –2004 by United States Power Squadrons. "THE ENSIGN," "United States Power Squadrons," "USPS," "America's Boating Club," "America's Boating Course," the ensign design, the ship's wheel and ensign design, the trident design, "The Squadron" design, "The Ensign" design, the "Boat Smart" name and design, and the "Jet Smart" name and design are all registered trademarks of United States Power Squadrons.

      HQAB is up and running.  Viv and I received our dues renewal invoice a few days ago and instead of setting it aside until a check could be written, went online to and renewed our membership in USPS® in about three minutes.  I paid by credit card under the new online procedure developed by a team of volunteers from ITCom in conjunction with our headquarters staff.   I received a confirmation online and moments later an email indicating that our dues had been paid for 2005.  We have really and truly entered the 21st Century.  I have received rave revues from members of the three test districts, Districts 10,15 and 16, regarding this new system and want to say well done to the ITCom members and headquarters staff who did all of the hard work necessary to reach this goal.  Thanks to R/C Ed Duda, AP; R/C Peter Mitchelson, SN; R/C Robert Baldridge, N; P/D/C John Bradley, SN and P/C Dan Bartell, SN from ITCom and to Mary Catherine Berube, Kathy Kesterson and Lena Padro from headquarters.  Much more work is needed to complete the system but we are well on our way.


      An Ad Hoc committee has been authorized by the Chief to develop a five-year plan for The ENSIGN® magazine.  The committee consists of P/D/C Bill Mullin, AP Chairman, D/C Angelo Giovanniello, SN; Yvonne Hill, ENSIGN Editor, R/C Darrell Allison, AP; R/C Tom Ellis, JN and Stf/C Bill Bellinger, SN.  Bill is a semi-retired publisher, Angelo made a career in Graphic Arts and Printing, Yvonne of course is our Editor, Darrell is in Marketing, Tom in Finance and Bill Bellinger is from Planning.  This is one well-qualified group of people.  Their primary objective is to make the magazine more desirable to boat manufacturers and other marine advertisers to encourage more advertising revenue.  We wish them every success in their discussion.


V/C Frank A. Dvorak, SN

Greetings from the

National Secretary


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Headquarters / PubCom


Power Byte - ITCom





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