Spring GB

Hilton, Pittsburgh, PA

Fall GB

Adams,  Jacksonville,  Fl

Annual Meeting

Rosen Ctr,  Orlando, FL

Spring GB

Adam’s Mark, Charlotte, NC

Fall GB

Hilton, Portland, Ore.

5—9 January

8—12 September

 D/Lt/C Gloria Schulke, AP

Editor/Web Publisher

E-mail Contact


1-—5 June

6—11 September

4—8 January

Annual Meeting

Rosen Ctr. Orlando, FL




can be found

 on the USPS®

Web site”

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Newsletter Article



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Secretary’s Department Newsletter

® 2003 -  2004  United States Power Squadrons

Volume 4,  Issue 2   May  2004

19—23  May

Fall GB

Grand Hyatt, New York

15-20 August

             The Operations Manual Committee worked hard at editing the manual to make all the changes that were outlined at the Annual Meeting in Orlando.  We are in the process of formatting the documents for publication on our website and for publishing a CD and printed versions.  It is truly a work in progress as every little change, no matter how minor, affects the manual.  The committee will be meeting in Pittsburgh to discuss what needs to be done going forward and how to best get changes out to the membership.

             Please note also that my e-mail has changed and soon I’ll no longer be able to receive messages at the Earthlink address.

             My new email address is Pat_Gagliano@msn.com.

             I look forward to seeing everyone in Pittsburgh and really appreciate the feedback and comments I’ve received from members.  Keep those e-mails and phone calls coming – we are here to keep you current and up-to-date.

R/C Patricia G. Gagliano, AP Chm OM Com

             Every district organization has a District Ensign Correspondent who has the responsibility of sending interesting articles to The ENSIGN®.  While these articles may come from newsletters within the district, many should be written directly for the magazine.  So, the District Ensign Correspondent is like a reporter or writer for The ENSIGN.  District Ensign Correspondents are welcome at the closed meeting of The Ensign Committee at all GB meetings.  Any Correspondent with questions about their duties should contact either P/Stf/C  Henriette Kaiser Fox, SN or Stf/C Don Dunlap, SN for more information.

             The Ensign belongs to every member of USPS®.  As such, members of The Ensign Committee welcome suggestions for making a great publication even better.  If you have an idea for an article or a series of articles, contact R/C Ina Fay Zitter, JN or her assistant, Stf/C Don Dunlap, SN.                              Stf/C Don Dunlap, SN

             The Ship’s Store committee is hard at work getting ready for Pittsburgh.  We have done great with the Dock Box Sales. Seven new items will be introduced at this meeting.  I am already working on more for September.

             We are organizing our committee with their assignments for their work schedules.  It looks like we will have a large number that will be attending in Pittsburgh.

 R/C Sarah Mc Curray, S Chm

Check out the

 Dock Box Mark Downs at the Ship’s Store while in Pittsburgh